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<daniels> wv: no structural reason, just bugs and bad interactions. the most common failure mode with regulators is that changing the power profile can tank the entire device. pull the wrong regulator too low and you don't have enough voltage for critical functions. pull any regulator too high and it can draw more power than you can supply.
<daniels> so I would certainly look at what your actual power draw is and what it affects
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<wv> ok, apparently there was an issue. vcc_lcd is attached to LDO_REG8. But I putted 3V3 on it. Which made also 1.8V on vdd10_lcd
<wv> Now I fixed it, so outputs are correct now, but it still gets stuck at the same place
<wv> is it possible it broke inside because of the 3V3 and 1V8?
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<wv> cleaned out the devicetree (was still from an evb) and now it seems to work kindof. Still figuring out how to make the lvds work though. It all looks fine, only I have no visual. (although it thinks it has, glmark2 running etc)
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