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<Net147> CounterPillow: Chromium fails to start with PAN_MESA_DEBUG=nofp16. it gives "Skia shader compilation error"
<alyssa> chromium bug
<alyssa> drop chrome shader cache
<Net147> alyssa: how would I do that?
<Net147> alyssa: I closed chromium, removed .config/chromium/ShaderCache and .cache and started again but same issue
<Net147> CounterPillow: I tried PAN_MESA_DEBUG=nofp16 with firefox and page loads but same issue with text not rendering
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<Net147> I ended up just using waypipe to do the graphics processing on a different system...
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<wv> Hello, I'm quiet new to rockchip devices. I have a firefly aio-3288c device. I created a wic image via yocto and put it on a SD card. However, it seems the device is looking for another partition scheme or something... What do I need to do to let this rockchip boot from this sd?
<wv> currently it's booting from emmc, which has ubuntu and partitions uboot,trust,misc,boot,recovery,backup,rootfs,userdata
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<Net147> wv: if you are using Rockchip blobs for the boot loader on SD, it should work. but if you are using open-source U-Boot TPL on SD, then you need to clear the eMMC for it to boot from SD.
<Net147> wv: see for the Rockchip boot process
<Net147> wv: some devices have two pads that you can short to skip booting from eMMC
<Net147> wv: shorting the two pads in that case could let it boot open source U-Boot TPL on SD without having to clear eMMC
<wv> Net147, thank you, erasing emmc did the trick!
<wv> and seems to run very well!
<wv> another question I have, but don't know if this is the correct channel. I want to use accelerated video decoding on this device, using gstreamer. What are my options? I'm on mainline kernel now
<Net147> wv: no experience with that. rkvdev is the kernel module for it.
<Net147> wv: maybe check #linux-rockchip on
<Net147> wv: *rkvdec
<wv> thanks, I'll hear around linux-rockchip
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