alyssa changed the topic of #panfrost to: Panfrost - FLOSS Mali Midgard + Bifrost + Valhall - Logs
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<alyssa> bbrezillon: kusma: could I get a quick review on ? thanks
<alyssa> didn't test the panfrost pieces but they "should" work
<alyssa> I expect panvk will need this to pass CTS with sampleShading
<alyssa> (might be worth testing with panvk though)
<alyssa> also, I'll try to review vk_meta this week
<alyssa> regardless of what happens with honeykrisp, I think having it in common is a net positive for the tree
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<bbrezillon> alyssa: looks good to me. Mind if I trigger panvk/panfrost CI on your MR pipeline just to make sure?
<alyssa> bbrezillon: sure, thanks :)
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<alyssa> let me know when you have the new version of vkmeta pushed since I imagine it'll change a fair bit of code?
<bbrezillon> hm, not that much to be honest, but sure, I'll let you know when the new version is tested/pushed
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<alyssa> cool
<alyssa> I'm reviewing Faith's format MR in the mean time
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