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<ldearquer> kusma: I finally got panthor working on X11 on orange pi
<ldearquer> needed a different X11 installed though
<ldearquer> for some reason, the X11 modesetting extension driver required dynamic linking to the blob driver, so i thought i would reinstall
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<kusma> [@daniels]( Does that make sense to you?
<kusma> Oh, wait. I think I get it now, you're saying that the old Xorg build lunked directly to the blob? Yeah, that's a bad idea...
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<daniels> yeah, for installs without a proper shim, linking against those will actually generate DT_NEEDED
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<ldearquer> I think it was IIRC
<ldearquer> i was getting crazy as to why the blob kept being loaded, so i just went and removed it
<ldearquer> and then X complained when loading this so because libmali was missing
<ldearquer> So i picked armbian generic arm64, put linux-collabora kernel and compiled mesa again, and fixed :)
<ldearquer> I had to meson install and restart X, devenv was not enough for glxinfo/glxgears
<ldearquer> The only issue i found is that, every time i moved the mouse, the display would freeze during the mouse movement
<ldearquer> once the mouse stopped, the display refreshes fine again
<ldearquer> so moving windows felt awkard
<ldearquer> glxgears for example stops refreshing when moving the mouse
<ldearquer> i tried different window managers, xfce, cinnamon and mate, all same issue
<ldearquer> i was using bookworm, i will try again the whole process with ubuntu noble
<ldearquer> but maybe it is best to move to wayland
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