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<sally> On LibreComputer Alta board (Mali-G52), I try open "" on Chromium, and I get an error as follow "It does not appear your computer supports WebGL.
<sally> Click here for more information.
<sally> Status: Could not create a WebGL context, VENDOR = 0xffff, DEVICE = 0xffff, GL_VENDOR = Google Inc. (Panfrost), GL_RENDERER = ANGLE (Panfrost, Mali-G52 (Panfrost), OpenGL 3.1 Mesa 22.3.6), GL_VERSION = 22.3.6, Sandboxed = no, Optimus = no, AMD switchable = no, Reset notification strategy = 0x8261, ErrorMessage = BindToCurrentSequence failed: ."
<sally> What do you think the issue?
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<ldearquer> I am trying to run panthor on orange pi 5 plus (rk3588). I am using linux 6.10-rc1 and mesa 24.1.1, compiling panthor on both sides. panthor modules starts fine, loading firmware and detecting the hardware. I installed mesa in a /usr/local/lib/, but when i try glxinfo I get this error:
<ldearquer> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=panthor glxinfo name of display: :0.0 MESA-LOADER: driver exports no extensions ((null)) X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation) Major opcode of failed request: 151 (GLX) Minor opcode of failed request: 24 (X_GLXCreateNewContext) Value in failed request: 0x0 Serial number of failed request: 34
<ldearquer> Has anyone found this issue before?
<ldearquer> I am a bit clueless on what to do, dmesg doesn't output any messages
<linkmauve> ldearquer, does eglinfo return anything usable?
<ldearquer> yes
<ldearquer> one sec
<linkmauve> Then the issue probably comes from X11 integration.
<ldearquer> GBM seems fine
<ldearquer> GBM platform: EGL API version: 1.4 EGL vendor string: Mesa Project EGL version string: 1.4 EGL client APIs: OpenGL OpenGL_ES EGL driver name: panthor EGL extensions string:
<ldearquer> yes, probably
<kusma> ldearquer: You shouldn't need to override the driver
<ldearquer> X11 platform: libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to open zink: /usr/local/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/dri/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (search paths /usr/local/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/dri, suffix _dri) libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: driver exports no extensions ((null)) eglinfo: eglInitialize failed
<ldearquer> kusma: I did it because otherwise it complained about not having swrast
<ldearquer> maybe it can be ignored, i don't know, but thought it would force it just in case...
<kusma> Then something is wrong with your build
<kusma> (of mesa)
<ldearquer> hmm maybe
<ldearquer> but i revised it and all seemed fine
<ldearquer> the command is
<ldearquer> meson . build/ -Dvulkan-drivers= -Dgallium-drivers=panfrost -Dllvm=disabled
<kusma> First thing I would try is to drop X11 and see if kmscube renders with the driver
<ldearquer> I can do that form tty, right?
<kusma> Yeah
<kusma> I must admit, I have not tried running with Panthor on X11, only Weston. But others on my team has, so it should work when setup right.
<ldearquer> Do I need to stop X for kmscube?
<kusma> That is, assuming that there isn't some board-difference; we're all using Rock 5B boards. But I don't think that should matter.
<ldearquer> With X on, it fails
<kusma> Without X, as I said.
<ldearquer> Yeah, i know, but my rock 5b arrived with a hardware issue :( and RMA is taking forever
<ldearquer> ok, i have to disconnect irc then. See you later. Thanks for the help!
<kusma> Sad to hear, but it's cool to have people test this on other boards as well ;)
<kusma> Later!
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<ldearquer> kusma: No luck with kmscube. It complains about the kernel driver not being loaded. However, lsmod shows panthor, and dmesg prints all OK for panthor. But...
<ldearquer> what i dont understand is, on /dev/dri, i have two cards and one render device
<ldearquer> card0 is panthor, but doesn't report modesetting
<ldearquer> card1 is not panthor, it points to "display-subsystem" (/sys/devices/platform/device-subsystem)
<kusma> Yeah, panthor is a render-only device.
<ldearquer> but why isn't minor >=128 then?
<ldearquer> card0 is minor 0
<ldearquer> i also have /dev/dri/renderD128, which is panthor too
<ldearquer> that one is minor 128
<kusma> How do you kn ow that card0 is panthor?
<ldearquer> by ls -l on /sys/class/drm
<ldearquer> card0 -> ../../devices/platform/fb000000.gpu/drm/card0
<ldearquer> card1 -> ../../devices/platform/display-subsystem/drm/card1
<ldearquer> If i instruct kmscube to use card0, it complains that no modesetting is present
<kusma> BTW, this matches what I'm seeing here
<ldearquer> then it tries drmModeGetResources, and fails miserably
<kusma> Do you have permissions to access those? Does kmscube work as root?
<ldearquer> But, if i tell kmscube to use card1, it complains about no kernel driver
<ldearquer> yes, both as root
<ldearquer> actually, as sudo, do you think it could make a difference?
<kusma> Wait, did you say it works as root?
<ldearquer> no no
<ldearquer> haha
<ldearquer> just that i ran it as my user, with sudo, didn't try as root directly
<kusma> sudo should be enough
<ldearquer> yes, on other machines it was fine
<ldearquer> i mean intel
<ldearquer> same output for me
<ldearquer> maybe i need full install of mesa
<ldearquer> not just on local dir?
<kusma> I'm just running from "meson devenv"
<ldearquer> I tried that too first, and had the same issue
<ldearquer> meson devenv -C builddir/, right?
<ldearquer> Does yours try to load swrast too?
<kusma> Nope
<kusma> Mine loads the right driver
<ldearquer> on build/src/gallium/targets/dri do you have I suspect it may try to find it anyway, even if it doesn't load it
<kusma> Sorry, I have a meeting now...
<ldearquer> kusma: No worries, you helped me a lot. At least i won't waste more time about my card0 and card1 ;)
<ldearquer> Thank you!
<kusma> BTW, I updated with the output from kmscube for me
<kusma> ldearquer: I also added my meson setup output here:
<kusma> (meeting over)
<ldearquer> kusma: Can you try kmscube --device=/dev/dri/card0 and card1?
<ldearquer> To see which one works (if any)
<kusma> You should use card1, and mesa should figure this out by itself
<ldearquer> ah, ok
<kusma> But both fails for me, it seems
<ldearquer> hmmm
<ldearquer> i have the same error with card1 than with no argument at all
<kusma> Oh wait, it's because I no longer have a display connected :P
<ldearquer> kernel driver missing or something
<kusma> card0 is what works
<kusma> card1 says "/dev/dri/card1 does not look like a modeset device"
<ldearquer> can you post ls -l /sys/class/drm/ ?
<kusma> sure, added to the snippet
<ldearquer> thx
<ldearquer> ok, your card0 is my card1, and the other way around
<ldearquer> my no-modesetting is card0
<ldearquer> On kmscube card0 (your card0, the one that works), do you have this message on the output:
<kusma> Yeah, I think that is kinda random what order they get initialized in, and might change between boots. In fact I just rebooted, and I think it was the other way around before :P
<kusma> But it should work regardless, because mesa should detect which one is usable
<ldearquer> arm_release_ver of this libmali is 'g6p0-01eac0', rk_so_ver is '5'
<kusma> (as long as you don't specify)
<kusma> libmali?
<ldearquer> yes, i wonder if i have something not properly installed
<kusma> I'm not using the blob...
<ldearquer> i don't know why i see that message on kmscube
<ldearquer> me neither, or so i thought
<kusma> Could you post your output?
<ldearquer> but my system was working on the blob before, so maybe i didn't purge it correctly
<ldearquer> from kmscube?
<kusma> Yeah...
<kusma> BTW, I added dmesg | grep -i panthor output to the snippet
<kusma> But libmali is userspace stuff, so I guess we *somehow* end up not using the built mesa...
<ldearquer> Failed creating base context during opening of kernel driver. Kernel module may not have been loaded arm_release_ver of this libmali is 'g6p0-01eac0', rk_so_ver is '5'. failed to initialize failed to initialize EGL
<ldearquer> yeah, it seems my system mesa, that is why i thought, maybe i needed a full install
<ldearquer> command is sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/loca/lib/ kmscube
<ldearquer> man i need to learn to use snippets, sorry
<kusma> Yeah, that's using the blob somehow. Strange, I thought "meson devenv" should prevent that...
<ldearquer> but this is kmscube
<ldearquer> I will try with devenv, not LD_LIBRARY...
<kusma> Yeah, I'm still running that using "meson devenv"
<kusma> Yeah, there's some more details needed than LD_LIBRARY_PATH, I think
<ldearquer> ha! it worked!
<ldearquer> meson devenv did it
<kusma> Hah :)
<ldearquer> but on tty1, where no X is running
<ldearquer> i will try glxinfo
<kusma> Ok, so next problem is getting X11 working :)
<ldearquer> nope glxinfo fails
<ldearquer> is it because it goes through X?
<kusma> Yeah, could you post your meson setup output?
<ldearquer> but, then i can try something
<ldearquer> i assumed LD_LIBRARY_PATH was equivalent to meson devenv
<ldearquer> but it is clear form kmscube that it is not
<ldearquer> so is it ok to try
<kusma> Well, first of all, X11 probably needs to also use the built mesa
<ldearquer> meson devenv -C build startx
<kusma> So just run X11 from meson devenv as well ;)
<ldearquer> ?
<ldearquer> yes exactly
<ldearquer> back in a while
<kusma> Yeah, hope that works ;)
<ldearquer> thanks!
<kusma> NP :)
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<ldearquer> kusma: That didn't work :( X keeps using my system libraries for some reason
<ldearquer> But after kmscube, it is clear that X is the problem
<kusma> :(
<ldearquer> X.Org X Server
<ldearquer> That's not too old, right?
<kusma> Yeah, but I'm fairly sure that X needs to use the same mesa for glamour/whatnot. But I don't know X well enough to help you with that, unfortunately...
<ldearquer> yes, probably devenv doesn't apply to the extensions
<ldearquer> I will have to fully replace mesa
<kusma> Are you running X11 rootfull or rootless?
<kusma> Yeah, replacing mesa fully might be what you need...
<ldearquer> I am running through lightdm service, so i guess that is rootfull, is it?
<ldearquer> or you mean filesystem root?
<kusma> I suspect so. And then I don't think startx is what does anything useful, so that wouldn't work.
<kusma> No, that's what I meant
<ldearquer> yes, i will replace mesa. but i will make sure i compile llvmpipe too, just in case
<kusma> But I do not know what I'm talking about here :P
<kusma> I run weston with xwayland ;)
<ldearquer> Yeah, I should do that actually if this fails :)
<ldearquer> Thank you very much, you helped me a lot! I will get this orange pi working!!! :P
<ldearquer> But it may take a few days :D
<kusma> I think replacing sytem mesa (and making sure the blob is fully purged) will work
<ldearquer> Yeah, me too, I will try this evening. Thanks!!
<kusma> You're welcome, I'm super happy to hear that this actually works on other boards ;)
<ldearquer> haha yes, that was a nice 3D cube on tty1 :)
<ldearquer> oh, and it works with X and without sudo
<kusma> You mean you can run kmscube from X11? That surprises me, but cool :P
<ldearquer> But not from X, i mean from a different tty, just while X is running
<kusma> (if it's not obvious, I'm a "GPU guy", not a "display guy")
<kusma> Aha
<kusma> Yeah, that's less surprising. TBH, I didn't think of that option :)
<ldearquer> Yeah, but you helped me a lot anyway!
<ldearquer> See you next time! :)
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<kusma> Good luck!
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