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<q4a> Hi. v10 - is Mali G310, G610 (Valhall v3). Then v11 should be Valhall v4 = Immortalis-G715, Mali-G715, and Mali-G615 right?
<daniels> q4a: that's right. v12 is Gx20, and v13 is Gx52
<daniels> err, v13 is Gx25
<daniels> I've only seen v11 in the Pixel 8, as well as the Dimensity 1200 (IIRC)
<daniels> not in SBC form factors
<q4a> What SoC did u use for test?
<daniels> it was tested on v12+v13 hw
<q4a> Ah.. ok. Thanks!
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