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<alyssa> holy cornball you actually did it :o
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<bbrezillon> alyssa: except is doesn't work :D
<bbrezillon> *it
<alyssa> bbrezillon: /o\
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<alyssa> btw, i'm going to implement pipeline executable stats in panvk this week i think
<alyssa> seems to work :3
<alyssa> ok, routed everything that we print in gl
<alyssa> will clean up the commits tomorrow. and probably port to mako templates
<alyssa> and fix turnip's b32 thing
<mntirc> :0
<alyssa> mntirc: I know, *me* writing a panfrost patch? unbelievable :p
<mntirc> alyssa: glad that i live to see it! :D
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