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<zewaardt[m]> Anyone else having trouble building the latest edge for davinci with pmbootstrap?
<zewaardt[m]> The package "soc-qcom-sm7150-unl0kr-quirk" appears to be missing according to the log.
<Adrian[m]> See https://gitlab.postmarketos.org/postmarketOS/pmaports/-/merge_requests/6234, someone broke the dependencies on edge
<Adrian[m]> That does happen occasionally when MRs aren't reviewed properly or changes get overlooked
<Adrian[m]> <Tydragon[m]> "Hi, how can I fix this glitch..." <- never seen this before and I use luanti a bunch for demos, not sure what's going on there
<dragapult[m]> Adrian[m]: Any idea how to debug or logs? When the game is windowed there's not problems, only on Fullscreen
<Tydragon[m]> Adrian[m]: Any idea how to debug or logs? When the game is windowed there's not problems, only on Fullscreen
<Adrian[m]> Sounds like a mesa issue (?), I'm not familiar with debugging mesa
<zewaardt[m]> <Adrian[m]> "That does happen occasionally..." <- Ah I see what happened there. I'll wait for the MR to be completed.