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<ungeskriptet[m]> Does anyone here have a surya with Tianma panel?
<ungeskriptet[m]> I need someone with a tianma panel to tell me the output of this command:
<ungeskriptet[m]> `fastboot getvar DP`
<Shigenta[m]> <Shigenta[m]> "does accelerometer actually work..." <- > <@shigenta:matrix.org> does accelerometer actually work on surya? for me it doesnt :/
<Shigenta[m]> > iio-sensor-proxy service crashes in 30 seconds after starting it
<Shigenta[m]> same issue with pre-built images
<adrian> iio-sensor-proxy is an absolute mess at the moment and extremely buggy, a manual restart 2-3mins after boot will usually get it working again
<adrian> this is due to a) short timeouts, our devices need more like ~60s to fully boot the adsp and sensors to show up and b) there are race conditions in iio-sensor-proxy that don't play well a lot of times
<Shigenta[m]> ohhh... okay