ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<pq> sewn, I think usually the bigger problem to support another OS is to get the automated CI testing going for it, rather than getting someone to write the OS integration code.
<pq> for libwayland
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<ifreund> hmm, is it expected that xdg_toplevel.resize_edge.none causes the compositor to ignore the resize request or to pick an edge itself?
<ifreund> the protocol doesn't say anything about the meaning but doesn't make it a protocol error
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<vyivel> the latter i think
<ifreund> from reading code, mutter ignores the resize request if the edge is none while sway interprets none as bottom_right
<vyivel> if it was ignoring the client wouldn't have a reason to the request in the first place
<vyivel> hm
<vyivel> my compositor iirc falls back to choosing based on the pointer location relative to the window center
<vyivel> i.e. same logic as user-initiated resize
<ifreund> yeah, there's no reason for the none enum variant to exist in the first place if the intent is that the request is ignored
<ifreund> but it could have slipped into the protocol without much scrutiny...
<mclasen> you typically need a value to indicate
<mclasen> 'not dragging on any specific edge, but still resizing'
<mclasen> I guess you only need that in case you have constraints associated with the other values
<ifreund> mclasen: gnome ignoring resize requests with "none" as the edge makes me think this isn't a situation that matters much in practice...
<mclasen> Yeah, probably not. But I think mutters behavior is wrong
<ifreund> I think I agree, it makes sense for the copositor to pick something reasonable here
<ifreund> maybe I would have left the none enum variant out of the protocol in the first case personally but there's no changing that now
<mclasen> the case to use none for
<mclasen> is the "Resize" menu item in the window menu, if done client-side
<mclasen> we later added a compositor-side window menu, so now none is a bit useless
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<ifreund> makes sense
<vyivel> oh nvm wlroots straight up disconnects the client on none
<vyivel> which sounds wrong
<ifreund> heh, yeah that's not what the protocol says
<ifreund> I guess it hasn't really been a problem though...
<vyivel> fwiw weston doesn't resize the window with none too
<vyivel> smithay's anvil ignores the request as well, and kwin seems to handle edge-less resize request as a move request instead
<ifreund> handling it as a move seems like a bug to me
<vyivel> maybe they have some common move/resize path with edges=0 meaning move
<vyivel> anyway, the protocol should say at least something about all this
<ifreund> I agree
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<any1> Maybe there ought to be a library that can set up texture importing and generate shaders for conversion from any DRM_FORMAT_*.
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<pq> any1, there have been some wishes in that direction but with color management. I don't know of anyone working on it.
<pq> so I spent two hours on one Wayland email... HTH
<any1> Yeah, I was thinking that it ought to support colour management as well
<Company> "generate shaders" is always tricky to integrate with because shaders don't have API/ABI
<Company> like, I have a certain setup for handling samplers and clipping an texture coordinates that needs to work with whatever that tool generates
<Company> and with the drm formats, you can map the multiplane formats as multiple textures to workaround missing yuv support, and once you do that, you suddenly need to integrate with that, too
<pq> plus all the shader language variants/versions
<pq> maybe it becomes easier to define a compositing API instead of deliver texturing setup and shader snippets
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !310 opened by Isaac Freund (ifreund) xdg-shell: document resize with "none" edges
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<Company> pq: "shader snippets" as part of a compositing spec would be very welcome I think (no idea how big they would be of course, but GLSL is often short enough)
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<wlb> weston Issue #903 opened by Leandro Ribeiro (leandrohrb) Dma-buf feedback unnecessarily making clients use linear modifier
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