ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<nickynick> Hi all, where can I found the official wayland source code?
<wb9688> But what are you looking for?
<nickynick> thanks, I was Just searching and got that link, but didn't sure that it is official or not
<nickynick> I am trying to look into the source code, I am only an intermediate programmer in C
<nickynick> so just looking into that source code, it seems to be very very small that I expected
<wb9688> Yes, that's basically just the protocol
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<wb9688> There are then many compositors that implement it, which have have a lot more code
<nickynick> oh! ok
<wb9688> Sway, Wayfire, etc use the wlroots library to help implement that, but e.g. GNOME has their completely own implementation
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<Company> Wayland itself is about 2 things:
<Company> 1. the pretty basic mechanism to send messages between apps and compositors
<Company> 2. a tool to generate source code from XML protocol definitions that define those messages
<Company> so that sending and receiving messages can be done correctly by apps and compositors
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<Company> swick[m], zamundaaa[m]: a random thing I just noticed is color management for yuv fourccs - is that outlined somewhere how those should be handled?
<Company> I mean, I think it's pretty straightforward, but it might warrant spelling out
<Company> after checking in detail, I suppose that whole topic goes in color-representation?
<Company> because YUV ends up as regular sRGB once it reaches the color-management parts?
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<swick[m]> not sRGB but RGB, yes
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<Company> I tend to say sRGB as a shorthand for RGB with sRGB transfer function
<Company> actually, I even mean sRGB primaries in this case
<Company> but those match the non-YUV fourcss
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<wb9688> In KDE server_decoration, is a server always supposed to directly emit a mode event after a request_mode request?
<wb9688> "The client can request a different mode through the decoration request. The server will acknowledge this by another event with the same mode." seems so
<wb9688> However I noticed with GTK 4 on Wayfire as well as Sway (both wlroots compositors), that the mode event is not sent after the request_mode request
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<d_ed[m]> <wb9688> "In KDE server_decoration, is a..." <- this shouldn't be used anymore since xdg_decoration
<wb9688> d_ed[m]: GTK only supports KDE server_decoration, not xdg_decoration
<d_ed[m]> yeah :(
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<wb9688> So we have to keep supporting it for now and the bug should still be fixed somehow
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<Company> somebody could go and update GTK to support the new one
<Company> but afaik all attempts so far included changing things to "GTK MUST ALWAYS DO SSD!!!!111eleven" and then got rejected
<alice> you mean csd? :D
<Company> no, I mean ssd
<Company> the MRs wanted to force SSD on GTK
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<ifreund> Company: I wrote the first xdg-deco patch, and I abused the xdg-deco protocol in gtk's favor to force CSD if gtk wanted
<ifreund> (by destroying the xdg decoration object)
<ifreund> I had all the GDK parts merge ready but struggled to get the GTK bits working)
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<ifreund> and then I lost interest, this was like 4 years ago
<Company> that sounds like it was during or right after the 4.0 "crunch"
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<swick[m]> Company: converting YCbCr doesn't necessarily result in sRGB
<Company> yeah, but I was talking about the default behavior
<Company> and by default everyone assumes you end up with srgb
<swick[m]> there is no default behavior. it depends on what the content is.
<Company> the default behavior is what you get when you create a buffer with fourcc NV12 and send it over
<swick[m]> that's undefined behavior, not default behavior
<Company> every compositor treats it as narrow range, BT601 matrix, srgb primaries, srgb tf
<Company> I would file bugs against compositors that don't, but yes - technically it's undefined behavior
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<Company> I would also define it, or at least recommend it
<Company> like the cm spec does for untagged surfaces
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