ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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Hello everyone, I'm looking to make some sort of dashboard with weston and ivi-shell. The current demo I want to make is just a white background, a button on the left and the rest is a window. Which will switch between a web browser and a terminal emulator when the button is click. However, I am completely lost on where to even start doing something like this. Can someone point me towards something to start with? I am very clueless to how thi
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why is font rendering so bad on wayland compared to x11? I really want to use wayland, but I am put off by the poor font rendering
and more importantly, how can this be fixed?
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you should provide concrete examples
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dwfreed: just run gnome with wayland then switch to x11, on any distro
and if I can't reproduce
reddit has multiple threads on it
cool, I don't read reddit; provide screenshots
cool, what are you going to do after I show you a gnome x11 and wayland session? Say it is all in the eye of the beholder?
I'm not going to do anything, because I don't have any ability to fix your issue; but nobody who can is going to take you seriously unless you do something other than just complain without evidence
This is literally one of the first rules of asking for help in support spaces
"font rendering is bad on wayland" is not a common complaint AFAIK, it should work exactly the same as X11 on modern toolkits like GTK and Qt
indeed, can't really tell without any screenshot or further details
it's usually the opposite in my experience lol
Font rendering is not a problem I've experienced being an early adopter of wayland.