ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<soreau> is it just me, or does it ask for username/password when attempting to fetch for everyone?
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<bluetail> soreau yea asks for credentials
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<dwfreed> seems to be a private repo
<dwfreed> can't open it without gitlab telling me to log in first
<soreau> I can view it on gitlab but can't fetch it
<soreau> but I'm probably logged in
<dwfreed> yeah, I don't have an FDO GL account, so I'm definitely not logged in :)
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<ciel> Hello everyone, I'm looking to make some sort of dashboard with weston and ivi-shell. The current demo I want to make is just a white background, a button on the left and the rest is a window. Which will switch between a web browser and a terminal emulator when the button is click. However, I am completely lost on where to even start doing something like this. Can someone point me towards something to start with? I am very clueless to how thi
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<wlb> wayland Issue #521 opened by () protocol: wl_keyboard.keymap and held keys
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<QuickQuestion> why is font rendering so bad on wayland compared to x11? I really want to use wayland, but I am put off by the poor font rendering
<QuickQuestion> and more importantly, how can this be fixed?
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<dwfreed> you should provide concrete examples
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<QuickQuestion> dwfreed: just run gnome with wayland then switch to x11, on any distro
<dwfreed> and if I can't reproduce
<QuickQuestion> reddit has multiple threads on it
<dwfreed> cool, I don't read reddit; provide screenshots
<QuickQuestion> cool, what are you going to do after I show you a gnome x11 and wayland session? Say it is all in the eye of the beholder?
<dwfreed> I'm not going to do anything, because I don't have any ability to fix your issue; but nobody who can is going to take you seriously unless you do something other than just complain without evidence
<dwfreed> This is literally one of the first rules of asking for help in support spaces
<emersion> "font rendering is bad on wayland" is not a common complaint AFAIK, it should work exactly the same as X11 on modern toolkits like GTK and Qt
<emersion> indeed, can't really tell without any screenshot or further details
<llyyr> it's usually the opposite in my experience lol
<karenw> Font rendering is not a problem I've experienced being an early adopter of wayland.
<karenw> DPI scaling, framerates, borked window decorations, yes. Fonts no.
<DemiMarie> QuickQuestion: Are you using Emacs?
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