ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<bitblt> hello there
<bitblt> has anyone made a wayland client that doesn't leak on shutdown according to valgrind?
<bitblt> I get some leaks inside wayland-client wl_registry_bind() -> proxy_create() that even when I do wl_registry_destroy() valgrind still shows that are not freed
<psykose> does it say lost or 'still reachable'
<psykose> the latter is not a leak
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<bitblt> i found it
<bitblt> it seems that proxies retrieved with wl_registry_bind() should be freed with the respective *_destroy() functions too
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<bitblt> i was specifically missing wl_compositor_destroy(), xdg_wm_base_destroy() and wl_shm_destroy(), it seems that wl_registry_destroy() is not enough
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1680 opened by Michael Olbrich (mol) backend-headless: use weston_output_arm_frame_timer() [Headless backend]
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<pq> bitblt, correct, every object from libwayland-client must be explicitly destroyed.
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<davidre> Are tablet_pad.buttons and tablet_pad_group.buttons distinct, or does the groups event tell in which group the announced buttons are?
<davidre> Might be nice to add a sentence to the protocol to clarify
<vyivel> zwp_tablet_pad_v2.buttons is just a number, which i presume means how many buttons there are in total across all pad groups
<vyivel> which doesn't sound that useful tbh
<davidre> oh yeah array vs number
<davidre> I guess it makes it easier to answer "how many buttons has this pad"
<vyivel> ah right
<vyivel> because pad group buttons exclude compositor-reserved buttons
<emersion> is there a good explanation regarding tone-mapping, especially how one can implement a basic version?
<pq> emersion, that's a tough question. ITU-R BT.2408 I guess.
<pq> *Report
<pq> just pick "display referred mapping" and ignore the "scene referred mapping"
<pq> It's a topic I'll be researching "soon".
<emersion> i see, so the basic version is just multiply by 2.03 i guess
<emersion> so i don't need to take into account any of the min/max/ref luminance?
<emersion> nor max_ccl/max_fall?
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<emersion> seems like HDR→SDR is in a different document
<pq> ref luminance would be good to use, all input images should be scaled so that their respective ref luminance maps to the output ref luminance
<pq> that essentially replaces the 2.03 factor
<pq> min luminance you can ignore for starters
<emersion> i see
<pq> max luminance, well, hard-clipping is one way
<pq> max_cll and max_fall can be ignored for starters, they might be used to e.g. tune the luminance scaling factor
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<JEEB> ah, tone mapping. always fun :3
<JEEB> reminds me how long it took for me to understand why on earth there was mastering display metadata that did not directly describe the video content
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<JEEB> but all that can be ignored in a basic implementation, after all last I tested windows was pretty much doing the simple clip-to-HDR-graphics-white way in the compositor as well
<pq> describe the content like maxFALL sense? or container?
<JEEB> maxFALL sense. but yes, I did then later understand that it was describing content indirectly by "if the mastering person didn't have this wide of a gamut or nits capability, then you don't necessarily have to care, either"
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<pq> so, e.g. for recorded content, an actual measurement of gamut boundaries, and not just the mastering nor container bounds?
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<pq> zamundaaa[m], swick[m], has anyone started processing the review comments from darkblaze yet?
<pq> I'll do that now.
<pq> hmm...
<pq> these are for the protocol from 2020
<pq> oh dear, looks like they started reviewing commit by commit
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1681 opened by Loïc Molinari (molinari) tests: Improve asserts [Testing]
<zamundaaa[m]> emersion: how to do tone mapping depends a lot on how much you trust the HDR metadata of content and the display, and how much overhead you want to accept for it
<zamundaaa[m]> KWin converts everything to ICtCp and then applies a mapping curve depending on the reference luminance and max. mastering display luminance, which is so far good enough in practice
<zamundaaa[m]> At least we haven't gotten any complaints except for when a game reported very wildly wrong HDR metadata, which was easy enough to detect
<pq> zamundaaa[m], do you convert the Ct and Cp components to and from, too?
<zamundaaa[m]> pq: yes
<zamundaaa[m]> But you're right, for just tone mapping one could optimize that out
<pq> I thought so, but now seeing I is in electrical domain makes me wonder.
<pq> 2408 had something about this IIRC
<pq> no, that was another thing
<pq> ok, I guess parts of the color differencing matrix roundtrip could be eliminated, but that's all?
<zamundaaa[m]> yes
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<yrlf> does wl_buffer::release get sent only after wl_surface attach/commit or does this event also get sent for other things that take wl_buffers?
<yrlf> such as wlr_screencopy.copy() or image_copy_capture_frame.attach_buffer()
<emersion> the "other things" usually indicate whether release is sent or not or undefined
<emersion> screencopy has a ready event
<yrlf> ah, right
<yrlf> I wasn't sure whether the ready event implies the compositor is fully done with the buffer. Thanks, now I know
<yrlf> thanks for the pointer to the docs, found the relevant info
<emersion> the newer ext-image-copy-capture protocol should be more explicit
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<yrlf> yep, that one explicitly mentions the release event not being used
<yrlf> ext-image-copy-capture explicitly sends the correct drm device to use (dmabuf_device), but screencopy doesn't
<yrlf> should I just use the main_device sent by linux_dmabuf_v1 feedback?
<emersion> yea
<yrlf> got it
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<emersion> hm, so, are monitors in general ignoring Colorspace unless there is a HDR_OUTPUT_METADATA set as well?
<emersion> it seems like my monitor doesn't behave differently with Colorspace = BT2020_RGB
<JEEB> some might only work with BT.2020 primaries if transfer is set o PQ (or in rare cases, HLG)
<JEEB> *set to
<JEEB> in these cases it's useful to have either debug output from the TV where it shows the exact values over the wire, or some sort of man-in-the-middle dongle that logs the values
<JEEB> I've never had one so I've enjoyed the "poking in the dark"
<JEEB> since there is always the possibility that you're setting the value in DRM/KMS land, but then nothing gets pushed over the wire
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<zamundaaa[m]> emersion: many of them do, yes
<emersion> hm, sad
<zamundaaa[m]> In our GUI we don't expose them as separate options for that reason, and I left setting them separately as a cmd / config option
<JEEB> do I recall correctly that the transfer is part of the "HDR metadata" in DRM/KMS?
<emersion> yes
<JEEB> right
<wlb> wayland Merge request !450 opened by Sebastian Wick (swick) wayland-shm: Keep resized shm pool data mappings valid
<wlb> wayland Merge request !451 opened by Sebastian Wick (swick) shm: Add helpers for accessing shm pools
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