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zamundaaa[m], what do we list as the parametric<->ICC connection implementation?
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pq: KWin has parametric->ICC transformations
The reverse would also be trivially constructed, but it's not used in KWin (yet)
zamundaaa[m], landing color-management today does feel a bit rushed to me, but let's see how it looks. We also seem to lack a LGTM.
enough ack but missing a review?
I put a reviewed-by in my last comment
Though someone that hasn't contributed to the protocol itself might be more fitting, I think enough people have looked at it by now :)
i've skimmed through the protocol but haven't read in detail
pq: I don't particularly care if it's today, but it should be very soon. It's been waiting long enough.
i also have some non-important nits
probably not worth addressing (e.g. interface name for creator being quite long)
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and surface_feedback being more consistent than feedback_surface (see linux-dmabuf)
some clarfications could be added regarding what a compositor should advertise in the image desc info events
(right now nothing stops them from sending nothing)
(should they send raw values if they send named primaries?)
They should send everything that applies
orowith2os[m], I think grayscale displays can theoretically be reprsented with all the three primaries and white point being the same CIE xy point. Of course, that results in a non-invertible color transformation matrix, which would probably need special consideration.
But yeah it would be good to make that more explicit
so, name alongside raw values?
emersion: yes
should or must?
the risk is a client not understanding (some) named TFs/primaries?
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emersion: must I'd say
orowith2os[m], eInk is very slow to update, and has a relatively small set of possible colors, possibly best described as an enumeration (a palette). We don't have protocol to communicate a palette, but compositors can always approximate RGB colors with the palette. Poorly, perhaps. Color-management protocol might be able to represent some aspects of the limited color selection, but I don't think it would be
a full solution as is.
Spelling out that it must send the closest applicable parametric info if an ICC profile is sent would also be good
orowith2os[m], we might need to add the concept of a "paletted image description".
Otherwise clients that only do parametric would potentially have to drag in an ICC parser
I haven't read start-to-end through the color-management protocol in a long time, but I'm not sure I feel I need to. I'd probably just spot something to delay it even further. :-p
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zamundaaa[m], re: parametric from ICC; I'd rather not, because if the end user sets up an ICC profile, they likely expect it to be used in full. Output image descriptions are used only by clients that insist doing their own color management. If they cannot handle ICC, they likely cannot do it at a user-acceptable level.
pq: the compositor will do the transform from that closest parametric to the ICC profile
If the compositor doesn't support parametric, then yeah it doesn't really matter
but the client intends to do all color management itself, but surprisigly doesn't
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It's really not the same if a client needs to resort to an approximation of the ICC profile.
It's not about approximating the ICC profile
It's about knowing the gamut that the app can target
parameteric may not adequately represent the gamut
That's okay
it's not okay for app that need to do their own color management, users expect better
Games for example will never support ICC profiles, but they do commonly support rendering to some gamut
ahh, I see, that kind of use
okay, I can agree with that
I was about to say, that ICCv4 (and ICCv2?) define a fallback ordering for the contained tags: use this foremost, but if you cannot then use that, then that, finally that.
each step of fallback reduces quality in the ICC workflow, but like you said, a compositor can compensate for some of that.
so it's possible to get the parametric values straight from the ICC profile if the tags are there, IIRC
Yes, that's what KWin does
or maybe you can't... ISTR e.g. LCMS2 classifies a profile as a matrix-shaper by the presence of the matrix-shaper tags rather than the lack of other tags.
Except for the TRC, where we just tell the client gamma 2.2 because compositing happens in that space
that sounds more like the surface preferred image description rather than an output image description, but we also don't have protocol for arbitrary curves other than the ICC file.
Would it work if the parametric approximation was allowed for preferred image descriptions, but disallowed for output image descriptions?
pq: for me at least, sure, as I think clients shouldn't use the output image description anyways... but I'm not sure what you hope to achieve with that?
why do we have output image desc again?
a guarantee that an application that chooses to use an output image description actually gets the real output image description rather than an approximation.
Output image descriptions are for e.g. measurement tooling (display profiling).
pq: that's not the case with KWin, and won't be for a while at least
Also for color-critical apps that insist on doing color management themselves, like, say, Krita, Darktable
Actually, can't be in all cases, because ICC profiles don't have a reference luminance?
That's true. I guess an ICC characterized monitor need to have its reference luminance fixed to the expectation of ICC.
ICC uses only relative luminance though, so reference white level doesn't matter as long as it doesn't change. It becomes monitor calibration, like monitor contrast adjustment.
Anyways, for the output image description, if you send ICC and a parametric approximation, there client still gets the real output image description
It's just that clients that can't make any sense of the profile also have something to use instead
yes, and one could argue that any app wanting to use an output image description should know to never use the approximation.
if the approximation is good enough, then one should not be looking at an output image description
I'd like to avoid sending data which has no justified use.
Fair enough. I won't complain about giving clients a(nother) good reason to avoid the output image description
the difference between preferred and output image description has been far too vague, I've seen complaints about it, so this is a very useful discussion
another question: should the parametric creator max_ccl/fall be echoed back in info events?
there they have a target_ prefix
is there a reason for the difference in naming?
it's a subtle semantic meaning
emersion: you can't call get_information on a parametric or icc image description created by the client
when a client uses an image description, cll and fall describe the content it will post. When a server-create image desctipion carries cll or fall, they are the targets what the client should aim for if it uses the image description.
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hello, I just like to share my repo with a small compositor, variation of tinywl I've been working on, integrating it with scenefx... is it possible? It's experimental yet
gntm: you might ask in #wlroots on liberachat.. there's a list of compositors you could request being added to
gntm, if you want to send an annoucement to wayland-devel mailing list, go ahead.
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i feel like i've asked this before, but i don't remember the answer:
what exactly does the "Colorspace" KMS connector property do?
it seems like it only deals with "colorimetry" when HDR_OUTPUT_METADATA is also set
but it's not super clear to me what "colorimetry" means here
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emersion: it sends the primaries the signal for the display should be interpreted with
seems like weston has a knob to set it from the config file and does nothing special
but HDR_OUTPUT_METADATA also has primeries right?
That's mastering display primaries, to help the display do tone mapping
oh, i see
that's not spelled out in the docs
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would anybody happen to be able to comment on Firefox under Wayland with Zink having some protocol errors?
specifically, trying to create surface syncobjs for surfaces that already have one
on sway, tearing control objects, same situation
and then also a "release or acquire point set with no buffer attached" error
probably some weird interaction between mesa/zink and firefox, but wanted to see if anybody had any insight
hm, sounds weird…
I can reliably reproduce it with Mesa 23.3.1 and newer (haven't tried older), Firefo 134
switching workspaces and going back to firefox (such that it doesn't get the ability to update frames for a minute) seems to help in the syncobj error
thats a mesa problem
thought so, if anybody wants to help out, we'll be in #zink
How come the tablet-v2 protocol still has objects named 'zwp_*' despite being stable? Shouldn't it be 'wp_*'?
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karenw: It could be, but pragmatically that makes a huge workload whilst not accomplishing anything
so we have a bit of a mix right now
Fair. It would mean a v3 and making compositors upgrade for no reason but neatness on the protocol side.
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What hapens if I call set_fullscreen on a toplevel that does not report the fullscreen capability? The compoisotr just responds with a no-op configure and/or no reply, but it's not an error?