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<Not-8046> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<Not-8046> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie 33e38d6 - qview: update to 5.0 (#6545)
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<Not-8046> [haikuports/haikuports] FuRuYa7 90be370 - notepadqq: bump version (ote) (#6535)
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<Niklas[m]> PulkoMandy: I tried building tin again.The opposite of your suggestion helped: There was a --with-pcre flag for ./configure and I had to remove it to make it work.
<Niklas[m]> Here's my patch:
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] korli pushed 1 commit to master [hrev55789] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 0fc10268e051 - acpi_thermal: Fix 64-bit warnings
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] korli pushed 1 commit to master [hrev55790] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] a4c7f6c6234e - acpi_thermal: fix previous commit
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<IlFelice> howdy
<IlFelice> Haiku running nicely on my old Dynabook
<IlFelice> Except for wifi
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<paxsov[m]> Quick question: Does the package manager in haiku work like a traditional package manager e.g apt or pacman, or does it work like a function package manager e.g nix or guix ?
<nephele> Neither, really
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<AlienSoldier> those hanging browser... :(
<AlienSoldier> are those mamouth program programmer don't even know about the concept of a funtion timeout
<AlienSoldier> *function
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<Anarchos> AlienSoldier :)
<extrowerk_> multithreaded programming is hard and the cancel button doesn't react at all, but at least their other product have cancel button.
<extrowerk_> AlienSoldier: i just wrote to a company who sells us software for 20kEUR/seat/year license, that they should consider to add a cancel button for the progress window for time-consuming tasks. You know, some tasks takes ages to finish. You can even mistakenly initiate those tasks. It seems they never heard about those problems. Interestingly their other product have a cancel button for those tasks. Not that it works, because seemingly
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<extrowerk_> just got "mold" built on Haiku
<Anarchos> extrowerk_ what is mold ?
<extrowerk_> an alternative linker, like ld, but a bit faster.
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<extrowerk_> scratch that...
<extrowerk_> /RAMDisk/mold> /RAMDisk/mold/mold
<extrowerk_> runtime_loader: /RAMDisk/mold/mold: Could not resolve symbol 'scalable_malloc'
<extrowerk_> resolve symbol "scalable_malloc" returned: -2147478780
<extrowerk_> runtime_loader: /RAMDisk/mold/mold: Troubles relocating: Symbol not found
<Anarchos> how to investigate why a read() syscall on a socket is blocked ?
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<novaphoenix> hello! I'm trying to get the haiku usb, both beta3 and latest master (minisign verified) to start on my dell inspiron 15-3567 (skylake cpu, intel hd 620 graphics) but it gets stuck on the boot disk stage. it doesn't seem like I can use any of the debug options, should I just make a bug report for it or are there other things I could be trying?
<extrowerk_> disable usb3 / xhci in bios/uefi if there is any kind of option like this.
<novaphoenix> thank you, I'll try that
<extrowerk_> also try other usb ports on the machine, if there is any other.
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<novaphoenix> hmm, other usb ports don't seem to work and there's no bios option for usb 3 or xhci, oh well
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<extrowerk_> novaphoenix: any other machine nearby?
<novaphoenix> I've got other machines I can test on but I just realized that it might be because it's a usb 3.1 gen 2 flash drive, I'm going to try to find a 2.0 drive
<extrowerk_> do try it
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<novaphoenix> unfortunately does not seem to work either
<extrowerk_> sad:(
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<waddlesplash> novaphoenix: very strange that you just get a hang. try enabling Onscreen Debug and disabling SMP and Paging
<waddlesplash> in the boot options menus. this may produce some messages which give a clue as to what is going wrong
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<Not-8046> [haikuports/haikuports] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<Not-8046> [haikuports/haikuports] waddlesplash fba9126 - xcairo: Fix SONAME.
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<Not-8046> [haikuports/haikuports] waddlesplash ec15a15 - xcairo: requires xext.
<Not-8046> [haikuports/haikuports] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<Not-8046> [haikuports/haikuports] waddlesplash 66ae834 - libX11: Adjust provides/requires and bump revision.
<Not-8046> [haikuports/haikuports] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<Not-8046> [haikuports/haikuports] waddlesplash 7f6df32 - xcairo: Touch for rebuild.
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