ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
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<scanty> in fact, the code i stole from the be book is not working.
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<OscarL> scanty: hello! I can't offer any assistance with GUI code, but maybe looking at "SetRadioMode" usage over HaikuArchives might reveal something interesting?
<scanty> my bmessages fromt the menu aren't going anywhere.
<scanty> it's strange.
<scanty> from the*
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<scanty> hrm, got it working.
<scanty> had to do a SetTargetForItems()
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<erysdren> morning all
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<Begasus[m]> morning peeps
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<erysdren> morning Begasus
<Begasus[m]> morning erysdren (
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<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • Begasus (4f7c89f3): kreversi, bump to version 24.12.3, switch to KF6 (#12048)
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<nekobot> [haikuwebkit] pulkomandy pushed 952 commits to branch haiku:
<nekobot> • roberto-apple (3ee1b4aa): GraphicsContextGLANGLE::readPixelsImpl crashes on checkedProduct<size_t>…
<nekobot> • weinig (21a0f84e): Add support for generating a consumer for CSS properties that use <ratio>…
<nekobot> • nt1m (fcf20499): Address Safer CPP issues in ColorInputType.cpp…
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<nekobot> [haikuports] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • humdingerb (51e445fd): yt-dlp: update to 2025.03.21
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58777] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] eb853f8901fb - elf.h: add some missing macros
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58778] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] c02537f91b02 - BPicture: add missing `WriteSetBlendingMode` method.
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<janking> Good morning
<erysdren> good morning janking
<janking> :)
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<nekobot> [haikuwebkit] pulkomandy force-pushed 42 commits to branch haiku-webkit2:
<nekobot> • RAJAGOPALAN-GANGADHARAN (60f3c65f): Enable MiniBrowser, launch subprocesses, load blank URL…
<nekobot> • RAJAGOPALAN-GANGADHARAN (e39c10a0): Enable building WebKit2 (non-legacy)
<nekobot> • pulkomandy (0e8b4307): ProcessLauncherHaiku: implement using BRoster::Launch…
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<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • Begasus (5b6f4975): kruler, bump to version 24.12.3 (#12050)
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<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • Begasus (ba253d4a): ksudoku, bump to version 24.12.3, switch to KF6 (#12051)
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • sikmir (5aa0d190): nnn: bump to 5.1 (#12049)
<nekobot> [haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to branch master:
<nekobot> • Begasus (cc4f39a4): ksystemlog, bump to version 24.12.3, switch to KF6 (#12052)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] korli pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58779] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ce6f846b6f6e - Update haiku-current.list, add haiku-r1beta4.list and haiku-r1beta5.list
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<nekobot> [haikuporter] jmairboeck pushed 1 commit to branch fix320:
<nekobot> • jmairboeck (a5bc18d8): fix "any" arch subpackages on secondary arch…
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<jmairboeck> sorry for spamming the channel with this, I haven't set up my personal fork of haikuporter in my 32 bit VM
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<Begasus[m]> that's not spamming ;)
<jmairboeck> there will come a few more messages because of this when I have to fix something and when merging and deleting the branch
<Begasus[m]> np, I'm done for today anyway, the road is free ;)