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<scantysnax> digital video a bit more involved
<dovsienko> would be simpler to give the NES its own monitor/TV and to focus on the main problem meanwhile?
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<scantysnax> dovsienko: yes, that's exactly how i am going to do my experiments.
<scantysnax> an all in one solution on the desktop is really nice, though
* OscarL hopes 4 GB of RAM is enough to build this boost thingie (using ramfs, so might hit a bug or two anyway).
<scantysnax> OscarL: I've worked with boost on Haiku a while ago. It should all compile cleanly
<scantysnax> moved away from it since.
<OscarL> I'm trying to rebuild the package for boost1.85, to avoid an issue with wrong dependencies.
<OscarL> (I had always ran the other way every time I saw a project havign boost as dependency)
<scantysnax> bbiaf
<OscarL> (specially when the project is tiny, but drags that monster behind).
<OscarL> I should really have run a serch for more sizeof(dirent().d_name) before. Sigh. (failed with same error further down)
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<OscarL> what I don't get is... how comes boost1.85 got build in 2024-07-10 without a patch for this.
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<scantysnax> hrm, i think we were using boost 1.5 or so. apparently some things have changed?
<scantysnax> but i do remember it was a highly organised series of headers.
<OscarL> I can't talk about its quality. Just was put off by its size (when just trying to compile/use something else)
<scantysnax> yeah, it's pretty big if you need it for one or two things.
<scantysnax> by the time we moved away from it, we were only using it for SHA calculation so we used our own.
<OscarL> jfc. Used memory (while building it): 3.6 GiB peak. Hovering around 2.4 now.
<scantysnax> wow.
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<scantysnax> how do you tell how much memory is used?
<OscarL> won't complain much about optimized + LTO Python builds, in comparison.
<OscarL> ActivityMonitor shows memory usage vs time.
<scantysnax> ah
<scantysnax> we are using LTO.
<scantysnax> still the binary is pretty big.
<OscarL> we only have LTO enabled on Python 3.13 so far.
<OscarL> Makes builds times 2.5 larger, for aroud a 5% speed bump (on one synthetic benchmark at least).
<scantysnax> been using it on probably beta4 for a long time
<OscarL> mmm, misse a memory spike that touched the 4 GB ceiling (on the ActivityMonitor graph at least)... hope the build isn't borked.
<OscarL> *missed
<scantysnax> let's see... with lto: 848kB
<scantysnax> without: 861kB
<scantysnax> haha
<scantysnax> probably will remove it in future builds on haiku
<OscarL> why? doesn't helps speedup things?
<OscarL> at least it is doing some code-elimination, no?
<scantysnax> 13k...
<scantysnax> negligible.
<scantysnax> for now i'm leaving it in.
<scantysnax> because things are working well.
<scantysnax> i don't want to poke the bear
<OscarL> boost1.85 finished, but package creation is taking a looong time.
<scantysnax> hooray
<OscarL> finished in almost 40 minutes (using RAMFS). No way I'm trying that on my HDD install :-D
<scantysnax> yikes.
<scantysnax> 40 minutes puts the boo in boost.
<OscarL> lol, yeah!
<scantysnax> i don't remember it being that large when using it.
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<OscarL> mmm, I am NOT installing vcmi to test this boost package.
<OscarL> way too many dependencies!
<scantysnax> what's vcmi?
<OscarL> (but after installing my locally built boost1.85, at least it doesn't complains about a missing icu75)
<OscarL> scantysnax: according to its .recipe: "An open source engine for Heroes or Might and Magic III"
<scantysnax> ah
<scantysnax> sound really uninteresting.
<OscarL> right :-)
<OscarL> let's see if I can test with innoextract instead.
<OscarL> smoke-test: PASSED
<OscarL> ready to ship, I say. :-P
<scantysnax> lols
<scantysnax> as long as the magic smoke is still in there and not coming out, we have a chance!
<OscarL> uninstalled my boost1.85.... now `pkgman install {vcmi,innoextract}` fail (as expected). Hope I didn't break functionality with my little build-fix patch.
<scantysnax> and you don't smell anything?
<scantysnax> :^)
<OscarL> scantysnax: I mean... try it on your machine: "pkgman install innoexctract" (you won't be able to, there ICU75 package is not available on repos anymore).
<OscarL> if I'm not mistaken... those broken dependecies also break the new "pkgman search --not-required" functionality (when used without the --installed option).
<scantysnax> let me try, hold on
<scantysnax> pkgman install innoextract
<scantysnax> 100% repochecksum-1 [65 bytes]
<scantysnax> Validating checksum for Haiku...done.
<scantysnax> 100% repochecksum-1 [64 bytes]
<scantysnax> Validating checksum for HaikuPorts...done.
<scantysnax> Encountered problems:
<scantysnax> problem 1: nothing provides lib:libicudata>=75.1 needed by boost1.85-1.85.0-1
<scantysnax> solution 1:
<scantysnax> - do not install "providing innoextract"
<scantysnax> Please select a solution, skip the problem for now or quit.
<scantysnax> select [1/s/q]:
<OscarL> right, similar issue with vcmi currently (haikuports buildmasters have some checkes for this: large file warning)
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<OscarL> I wish manually mounted RAMFS devices didn't got hidden on "Disks". I'd want my /RAMDRIVE, to show up there along with the rest of volumes :-)
<scantysnax> i think i might get a SSD
<OscarL> (using the next best thing now... a symlink on Desktop, albeit I rather had less icons there)
<OscarL> scantysnax: do it!
<OscarL> I finally pulled the trigger on the cheapest one I could find...
<scantysnax> hehe yeah, i'm going to save some money
<OscarL> (120 GB, about 17 USD)
<scantysnax> i want 1TB or so.
<OscarL> no postage paid, so it was then or never for me.
<scantysnax> that's pretty cheap
<OscarL> 17 bucks is a big chunk of my monthly expenses but... happy with it so far :-)
<scantysnax> ah
<scantysnax> smoke btb
<scantysnax> brb*
<scantysnax> back
<scantysnax> if i didnt' spend money on smokes, i could afford that ssd.
<OscarL> :-D
<OscarL> switch to a tobacco pipe? (should be cheaper)
<scantysnax> yeah, but those aren't really portable.
<scantysnax> and it would be weird to be the only guy smoking from a pipe.
<OscarL> I was finnaly able to quit smoking 6 years ago.
<scantysnax> it's been very hard
<scantysnax> i quit for 3 months sometime ago
<OscarL> I had "quit" two times before... 3 months, then a year and change... till got a job... anxiety spikes... and relapsed.
<OscarL> now no job, no money, but at least no smokes :-D
<scantysnax> understood
<scantysnax> can you get any benefits from the government because of your illness?
<OscarL> for mental issues? not really (unless you're institusionalized).
<scantysnax> ah, that's too bad.
<OscarL> (and the parenthesis part is not a given either :-D)
<scantysnax> i see.
<scantysnax> i get enough to go month to month.
<OscarL> that's good.
<OscarL> safety nets are important.
<scantysnax> yes.
<OscarL> While I was working... managed to save enough to buy a small house that I rent, so I (usually) get that as passive income. Not much, but at least I'm not a burden to my family.
<scantysnax> ah, that's good.
<scantysnax> i live at home still, but i pay rent every month
<OscarL> (I'd be even better off... if it wasn't for Argentine's crazy economy :-D)
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<scantysnax> can't say i know anything about that.
<OscarL> wish I could say the same, lol :-D
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<OscarL> lol, work-dir for boost1.85 (after a successful .hpkg build)... 768.28 MiB (and that's *without* a work-dir git repo)
* OscarL happily nukes it from ramfs, smiling for not having to wait anywhere between 3 to 12 minutes on cleaning up suck dirs (as was the case on HDD).
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<OscarL> oh, cool! new "Quake Speedruns Explained" video. wonder if erysdren enjoys that channel (the intro music alone makes it worthy, IMO)
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<OscarL> ooof, 37+ MiB of debuginfo for fish. no wonder it takes so long to create the packages.
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<FreeFull> Are you making a package for the new fish beta?
<erysdren> OscarL: haven't watched it yet, tbh never watched that channel before. but i should be able to get some enjoyment from it :3
<OscarL> FreeFull: only cleaning up 3.7.1 (for 32 bits). See:
<FreeFull> I see
<OscarL> erysdren: I never thought I would watch videos about speedruns (not my jam), but that channel is something else.
<FreeFull> fish 4.0b is a pretty much complete rewrite, so I wonder how many of the same issues it'd have
<OscarL> interesting. Guess I could give it a spin over the weekend.
<OscarL> meanwhile.... building in "Release" mode (vs "RelWithDebInfo"), took 5 and a half minutes, vs 12 of the latter.
<FreeFull> They specifically moved from C++ to Rust, not sure how much of a problem it'll be for building it
<OscarL> ah... then I'm out. I don't do rust stuff (nothing against rust, I just avoid packages that are too big, or have many dependencies, in general)
<OscarL> FreeFull: we do have a more or less working rust 1.83 compiler.
<OscarL> issue tends to be with crates not being particularly aware of Haiku, I think.
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<augiedoggie> writing rust recipes is a hassle, i have several apps built but i don't feel like listing a hundred sources in the recipe
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* OscarL looks at the "bat" recipe. augiedoggie was certainly not kidding.
<OscarL> "SOURCE_URI_141" that'd be a: "Nah, dawg! You do it!" from me :-D
<Begasus[m]> morning peeps
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<Begasus[m]> listing the full SOURCE_URI's for rust recipes is overkill, the Cargo.toml file should take care of that iirc
<OscarL> Morning Begasus[m]! ("man, he's up early" I thought... then saw it is 3:40 here, lol)
<Begasus> Morning OscarL :)
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<Yoke> Morning ya'll, hope you all have a good day!
<Begasus> morning Yoke
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<Begasus> bugger ... rust again
<Yoke> what's up/
<Yoke> ?
<Yoke> Rust?
<Begasus> checking a source archive
<Yoke> oh, heard rust and I thought like a car, not the programing language XD
<Begasus> ;)
<Yoke> I'm not a dev, I'm a HGV mechanic XD
<Yoke> I hear rust I think of an Izuzu minicab XD
<Begasus> /Share/wip/svgcleaner-0.9.5> /Share/wip/svgcleaner-0.9.5/target/release/svgcleaner -V
<Begasus> svgcleaner 0.9.5
<Begasus> went pretty good :)
<Begasus> Locking 52 packages to latest compatible versions (not too much crates involved)
<Begasus> File for rust I refered to earlier is Cargo.lock, it holds the checksums already in there
<OscarL> Begasus: too bad Python's requirement.txt, pyproject.toml, and the like, are not like that.
<OscarL> Saw the pr for boost Begasus? I'm scratching my head about why I was getting an error now, but it worked OK for you (and the buildmasters) back on July.
<OscarL> only thing that comes to mind is that maybe some of those _GNU_SOURCES vs _DEFAULT_SOURCES, etc., might have shaken something loose.
<OscarL> * "[...] etc, changes in Haiku [...]"
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58443] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 4d3a68fb7d6d - netboot: bump size for tar decompression
<Begasus> saw the PR for boost OscarL, lost a bit of interest on that one :)
<OscarL> undestood.
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<OscarL> just asking in case you remembered something.
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<Begasus> if it builds fine I'll merge, but not going to run a build on it, would silense the reports anyway
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 978a931ea90b - Update translations from Pootle
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] autocommitter pushed 1 commit to master [hrev58444] -
<Begasus> yeah, did a check with ICU74 before
<OscarL> right, that was my intention, to clean the reports at least.
<OscarL> only tested 64 bits here, might do a 32 bits run tomorrow, I guess.
<janking> good morning
<Begasus> morning janking
<OscarL> hello janking
<janking> :)
<Begasus> will merge, if anything pops up on 32bit I can still blame you :)
<OscarL> fair.
<Begasus[m]> did you have a look at the "gast" python PR?
<Begasus> ps, got ICU76 and boost1.86 already here
<OscarL> Begasus: just commented on the gast PR.
<Begasus> +1
<OscarL> I need to finish moving my older stuff from the (independent) 32 and 64 installs on HDD to the "centralized" SSD.
<OscarL> Already finished moving my Haiku clone (with my branches, untracked files, etc). Need to do the same for the two haikuports clones I had (trying to not lose anything of value)
<Begasus> congrats on the new one :)
<OscarL> yeah, makes switching back and forth so much easier.
<OscarL> Wish I know how to properly set it up eariler.
<OscarL> s/know/knew/
<OscarL> I was thinking of writting a forum post about it. Might help some newcomer.
<Begasus> could be handy
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<OscarL> it wasn't until I tried to modify HaikuPorter itself that I've found out about the undocumented options I ended up using :-D
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<OscarL> I thought the ones on the HaikuPorts-sample.conf where the only ones available :-D
<Begasus> hidden treasures :P
<Begasus[m]> fish good to go OscarL?
<OscarL> I think so. yes. (with the caveat that it doesn't makes it much better, only cleaner)
<OscarL> (doesn't works better, but also doesn't works worse than before... same hangs on old an new revisions)
<Begasus[m]> +1
<Begasus> out for a bit
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<Begasus> re
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<OscarL> finnaly the 32 bits build of boost finished (took 2x the time than on 64 bits!)
<OscarL> report.txt got cleared, good enough for today. Off to bed. See you around Begasus! Have a good one!
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there
<Begasus[m]> Hi andreasdr
<andreasdr[m]> Hi Begasus
<Begasus[m]> how's it going?
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<andreasdr[m]> i
<andreasdr[m]> hi
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<Begasus> And it's live! :) Tokodon 24.12.0
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