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<r0ni> hey all, i had compiled mesa for the edge kernel but x11 stuff can't start still... I don't see libunwind on the repo anymore so I was under the assumption it no longer needed to be patched... do we still need to patch that lib for video?
<r0ni> (the error I get complains about libunwind) I'll assume I likely need to patch it still
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<jannau> r0ni: the patch is in the archlinuxarm package so it's no longer required in the asahi repo. see
<r0ni> ahh fair enough, I didn't think to look there for an answer
<r0ni> I'll have to dig around, i hope I didn't delete my script to build it for slackware, or i'll have to make a new one
<r0ni> found the package, all good!
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<raph_ael> hello
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