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<gadmt> hey for the gentoo asahi install is there anyone that can help me with trying to solve ridiculously slow download speeds?
<gadmt> i think it was fine in livecd so i probably messed up with network installation
<gadmt> i am using an ethernet connection
<gadmt> ok so i tried using the wifi connectionI ididnt know it was available yet) and speeds are much faster, much more normal, any idea why?
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<chadmed> gadmt: what device are you using? there might be issues with usb ethernet dongles for some reason
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<runxiyu_> mv: error writing '/boot/initramfs-gentoo-live.img': No space left on device
<runxiyu_> I'm not familiar with fedora and how should I remove old kernels
<runxiyu_> Actually, I should ask this the main #asahi channel
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<Harriet> (runixyu here, on another device) I'm familiar with AMD64 gentoo installations but I'm scared of it on aarch64
<Harriet> the gentoo live environment drops a key every ten keypresses or so
<Harriet> even after disabling gpm (mouse support)
<Harriet> actually sorry I should ask in the gentoo channel
<j`ey> Harriet: try tty2
<j`ey> I think chadmed said in the past.. that helped, which is weird
<Harriet> j`ey: Just to confirm, does that continue to happen after installation, or is it just an issue with the installation medium
<Harriet> (the former would be problematic to my workflow)
<Harriet> Also, do I need a /boot partition (created from the fedora root's space)?
<j`ey> I think it's a live installation issue
<j`ey> (I use tty1 on fedora just fine)
<j`ey> "<chadmed> its just the livecd though, tty1 works fine once installed and rebooted into the rootfs"
<Harriet> nice
<Harriet> Im not getting clear signals whether I need to make a /boot
<Harriet> I know I need to run but that assumes I already have /boot accessible (be it on a separate partition or on root)
<Harriet> (I'm planning to use btrfs for root so I might need an initramfs or something)
<Harriet> The guide tells me not to delete the Asahi/Fedora boot partition but should I mount it to /mnt/boot?
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<Harriet> Ah yeah I should just mount it to /boot
<Harriet> Also I wonder if there are binary packages available for asahi-kernel...
<Harriet> Compiling Linux on my MacBook Air M1 takes ages
<chadmed> Harriet: assumes that /boot is the ESP
<chadmed> so if you mount the ESP to /boot and use it as such it will be fine
<chadmed> also yeah theres something sussy with the livecd produced by genstrap that causes those keypress drops. not sure what it is.
<chadmed> also theres nothing to be scared of, once youre in the livecd the install process is ~identical to amd64
<Harriet> ah nice
<Harriet> eerrgh I forgot to create a swap partition :(
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