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<mps> I build tiny-dfr and installed config.toml to /etc/tiny-dfr but then it can't find this file on start
<mps> I prepared patch but not sure if the patching is needed or there is option to specify location of config.toml
<chaos_princess> mps: you packaged it wrong, that file needs to go to /usr/share/tiny-dfr/config.toml
<mps> chaos_princess: problem is on upgrade it will be overwritten by default one if it is put in /usr/share/tiny-dfr/config.toml
<chaos_princess> yes, you put it in both places, defaults go in /usr/share, your personal overrides go in /etc, daemon merges them at runtime
<mps> ah, didn't knew about merge
<chaos_princess> it is explained in the comment at the top of the file :P
<mps> meh :-)
<mps> I see, thanks
<mps> (who reads all notes in config files0
<mps> s/0/)/
<mps> I wanted for end user to have /etc/tiny-dfr/config.toml by default on install
<mps> so I patched it with this
<chaos_princess> that would break on any update that introduces new config options
<mps> yes, I understand this but didn't had better idea
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