oh hm, !spi->controller->set_cs_timing should be true actually?
no, also if the controller has no method to set the cs timing: !spi->controller->set_cs_timing
yeah I missed that when i first read it, thought it was inside the if () {..
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(I probably need to do more testing with linux.py, I always used hv)
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jannau/j`ey: thanks for catching that!
yup, that was a dumb typo
did you not hit the WARN_ON(fifo_flags & APPLE_SPI_FIFO_TXOVERFLOW); ? I would expect that to fire with the bad code
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either that or it would get stuck
I saw tx_overflow set in the spi trace I did not notice it in the kernel log but I was not really looking at it
it might be it was never making it out of the transfer loop
marcan: I managed to see one packet from the keyboard at least, but then it gets stuck
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j`ey: can you push that branch somewhere?
in principle we can run the HV in UP mode (or just filter out one CPU, might add an option for that) and then throw the gpiola on that one and see what linux does
does it not need those delays with the HV *even without* SPI tracing?
just plain HV should have relatively little performance impact, mostly the timer IRQ spam
let me test that
it's broken without spi tracing
also oh god just looking at the diff context for that applespi.c makes me cringe
such a mess of ACPI stuff mixed in there
we definitely want to rewrite that as a HID transport properly (and someone else can add the bits to make it work with ACPI laptops too and then we can deprecate applespi in the future)
but for now let's see if it breaks because of a driver problem or a SPI problem...
touchpad seems to need more delay than I currently have. broken both with bare metal and hv without tracing
[ 0.709687] applespi spi1.0: Received corrupted packet (crc mismatch)
[ 0.716454] applespi spi1.0: Unknown touchpad model 0 - falling back to MB8 touchpad
that, right?
on applespi side it presents received spi data as 0x00
not sure but I see those two messages with spi tracing and working touchpad
that sounds like there's more than one problem
there are some packets that get sent early one that I haven't been able to give a meaning to
I seem to have working touchpad with that branch as-is
on the M1 Pro
HV, no tracing
increasing SPI_END_CS_DELAY_US in applespi to 100 fixes the touchpad on baremetal
keyboard too
caps lock led still breaks it but that ought to be an applespi problem
keyboard seems to be more reliable
let me actually try the touchpad (I was just catting the device)
so the *unused* spis on the mac mini get set to 120MHz, heh
I wonder if this is actually an oversight...
also it feels really weird that #5 is 120 for spi2/3/4 but not spi1
maybe they actually forgot to initialize that clock in iBoot (but it works anyway because the spi driver does the right thing wrt divider)
well, if the input frequency isn't 24MHz but 200MHz the actual SPI clock frequency won't be what I think it is
200MHz is only used for spi1 as far as I can tell
for spi3 we have either 24 or 120 apparently?
but my point is the spi driver should be computing its divider based on this information
now the question is is it 120 on the air too...
of course I copied the spi-max-frequency property from corellium
spi-max-frequency is something else, isn't it?
that's a max, not the base clock
the base clock comes from the clock provider
but the clock being 5x faster by accident on j293 would explain why it's breaking for people
spi-max-frequency is the max frequency the spi device can run at if my understanding is correct
spi-max-frequency = <2000000>;
that is what I have
yes, and if your clock provider is claiming the controller is clocked at 24 when it's actually at 120, then you're driving the device at 10MHz instead of 2MHz
which is bound to cause some issues :-)
let me try the m1 air...
your gpiola.py stuff can actually measure the clock frequency?
sure, it's timed
just capture it and eyeball it in gtkwave by selecting a range of cycles
it's a real logic analyzer with proper delta compression ;)
(some call it RLE)
I'll need to fugure out how to use it ;)
ok, at least it's badly broken on the m1air, much more than the pro
also, how did you figure out which gpio pins are used?
let's look at pmgr
the CS pin is specified in the ADT, I guessed it was nearby pins. that worked for spi3 but not spi1, for spi1 I spammed the RegMonitor during a SPI transaction until I saw something change
that found me the two disjointed pins
you could also just trace, like, all pins in groups of 32 (the analyzer supports up to 32)
the adt doesn't actually provide the equivalent of spi-max-frequency for the spi devices isn't it?
cs-gpios should work, but then you need to pinconfig it to 0 instead
since it defaults to 1 on these machines
I think we should not add cs-gpios if we want to use hardware cs control
correct, but what I'm saying is software CS control should work too
but then you need the pinconfig; without that it tries to use software CS control while the hardware is the one actually owning the pin
which is why none of this was working a minute ago, CS wasn't changing
thanks, fix pushed
jannau: were you testing on t6k or t8103?
I'm testing on t6000-j314c, I have no t8103 laptop
I'll go back to t6k since that's where I have a root partition for X, but hopefully those DT changes were the only difference that matters on t8103
so the 24/120MHz difference suggests that we can actually use a 10MHz spi-max-frequency on t8103-j293
does that work?
I mean it was broken due to the CS anyway
I'm not sure how much time we should spend on applespi. I'll work on the spi hid transport this weekend
marcan: im happy the air is getting some attention ^_^
I mean I want all the machines to work :-)
yeah but it was always the mini you worked on, then the t6000 :P
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yeah, because a lot is shared
but now that things are starting to come together I do want to test stuff on all of them and fix whatever's broken :)
interface 3 and 4 only provide vendor-specific stuff
so the descriptors don't tell us very much
oh derp it's in the firmware
so I guess the device reports its own properties
just running `strings` in the firmware yields a giant plist
wait no
this "firmware" *is* the plist
and it includes the actual firmware and more stuff inside
... so where is this stored?
/System/Library/AssetsV2/com_apple_MobileAsset_SFRSoftwareUpdate/e1e322bee87acc15973794a58f6e551734c82adf.asset/AssetData/boot/Firmware/J293_Multitouch.im4p for one... but surely it doesn't get it from there
apple really do like firmware, doesnt it
no real surprise that the descriptors are contained in the firmware
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Im getting what seems to be recursive exceptions when trying to use linux.py, anyone else seeing this?
nevermind, I forgot to chainload
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j`ey: why going back to 24?
marcan: because I misunderstood what you said before
I was talking about t6000
but if that works then I guess it can handle 30MHz lol?
ok, confirmed with spi.py, the CLKDIV is not -1 and the minimum is 2
so you end up with 200000000 / CLKDIV on the t6000?
no, 24MHz / CLKDIV
ah for spi3
ah yes
for spi1 it would be 200M, yes
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ok, got gpiola running on the hypervisor while running linux; I can't see the signals accurately at 8MHz, but I can tell the CS to clock delay isn't being correctly implemented
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... because applespi calls applespi_setup_read_txfrs before applespi_setup_spi, which is what sets the cs delay value