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<fooxi> So I upgraded to F40. It is still super choppy in KDE.
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<fooxi> asahi diagnose output:
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<fooxi> Erm, better link:
<fooxi> It is not noticeable Kwin was fixed, or this is another issue - not sure.
<fooxi> But it's so bad I will have to downgrade again.
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<jannau> just to make sure `es2_info | grep GL_RENDERER` reports something like "Apple Macbook Pro 13-in (G13G ...)"
<jannau> how do you notice the chopiness? just general use? moving windows for example
<fooxi> GL_RENDERER: Apple M1 (G13G B1)
<fooxi> It is particularly noticeable when scrolling in firefox. It was smooth in F39.
<fooxi> Now it's like every X amount of frames it freezes for a short moment.
<jannau> I can't reproduce. any website there this is particularly noticeably?
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<fooxi> It's every website for me. Hmm.
<fooxi> What about ?
<jannau> hmm, the show fps effect still shows drops to ~55 fps for fast scrolling but I barely notice those
<fooxi> Let's see if I can record the screen.
<fooxi> Mine goes to 40.
<fooxi> 38
<fooxi> 37 <-> 58 when scrolling.
<jannau> do you scroll fast or slow
<fooxi> Either one. When I scroll as slow as I can, it still goes to 40.
<fooxi> And that's moving it a tiny length.
<fooxi> Even hit 34 now.
<fooxi> When I do as fast as I can, I get 38<->58.
<fooxi> All of this is on the reddit subpage.
<jannau> reproduced by disabling icc profile
<fooxi> yay! So it's something I'm doing wrong or haven't enabled?
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<jannau> no, it's an issue with the system
<jannau> you can download the zip at the bottom of extract it and use it as Color Profile in KDE's display settings
<jannau> that seems to improve the behavior surprisingly for me (and will give more accurate colors)
<chadmed> f40 doesnt have the kwin guard interval patch does it
<jannau> fedora uses unpatched kwin-
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<fooxi> jannau: Do you mean system settings - color management -> import profile?
<chadmed> fooxi: no, the colour management profile is set on the display settings now
<fooxi> ah, found it.
<jannau> not sure if that does the same, I ment "Color Profile" on the display setting
<fooxi> Do I need to reboot because that b0rked my screen :D
<fooxi> Now it's white
<fooxi> and I can barely tell what Im doing
<fooxi> Ok reverted.
<jannau> just hitting the power button and escape should be enough
<jannau> it needs a full redraw after changing the color profile
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<fooxi> Can confirm the fps is now much more stable, but I still get a more choppy experience than in F39, so not entirely sure it's fps related hmm. Do you have default scroll settings in firefox?
<jannau> yes
<fooxi> Excellent.
<fooxi> Thanks a million, jannau!
<LarstiQ> interesting that lack of a color profile causes choppy scrolling
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<fooxi> Something I am noticing, however, is that all my efforts to recreate macos-like scrolling is worse now.
<fooxi> It still has a random "chop" every now and again.
<fooxi> Much better, but still present although very subtle.
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<chadmed> fooxi: are you noticing this in other apps
<chadmed> i know that not a lot of kde stuff supports kinetic scrolling though
<fooxi> Yeah, not sure I have something I can compare with, but I am noticing it when moving windows around.
<fooxi> There's an occasional, random stutter.
<chadmed> im noticing stutter when doing a controlled scroll in system settings
<chadmed> switching to the performance governor completely eradicates it
<fooxi> How do I do that?
<chadmed> not for users
<chadmed> your battery will evaporate/machine will run very hot
<fooxi> ah
<fooxi> Setting mousewheel.default.delta_multiplier_y and mousewheel.default.delta_multiplier_x to 100->20 makes it easier to notice in firefox.
<fooxi> There's 1-3 micro stutters every scroll.
<fooxi> Do you want me to test anything else? If not, I'm gonna downgrade again.
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<fooxi> Not sure if it's related, but in youtube (even on F39) videos would freeze entirely every now and again, and only the sound would play).
<fooxi> There'a at least one other user with a similar experience on the subreddit.
<fooxi> There's
<j`ey> I get videos freezing, but only on twitch at 1080p
<fooxi> j`ey: in both 39 and 40?
<j`ey> haven't upgraded to 40 yet
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<fooxi> ah
<bluetail> About the HDD Enclosure 10 Bay IcyBox - by now is believed broken. Will use a HBA.
<bluetail> Because I recreated the RAID level and disks were ejected despite having no defect.
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<PaulFertser> bluetail: you came to conclusion the bay itself is broken?
<bluetail> No, the whole shelf
<bluetail> just eff it, I am going to build a 20 bay rig
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<bluetail> my plan is RM43-320-RS + Supermicro X13SEI-TF
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<bluetail> or, use my current setup, and just change the case.
<bluetail> but then I would need a mini SAS HBA, for which I dont have a port for, other than NVMe [...]
<bluetail> nah, I better keep separate devices.
<chadmed> im running an icybox 4 bay usb thing into a mac mini
<chadmed> works a treat
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<bluetail> mine did for 3 years, too
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<chadmed> i was originally going to build an affront to nature and get a thunderbolt to pcie dev board and secondhand HBA on ebay then shove them, a mac mini and a whole mess of drives into a rack mount case
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<bluetail> but smartctl does not report any, reseating doesnt help, and from the start hotswap did not work
<chadmed> but my old server bit the dust before tbt support was ready :c
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<bluetail> I guess its a nice temporary solution!
<bluetail> more than anything, I am glad I got lots of backups
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<sven> that tbt to PCIe to sata abomination is my plan
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<sven> probably three Mac minis and ceph then
<bluetail> good luck sven. I am mentally kind of done with doing this 'partial, half-breed' setup
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<sven> I only have my own code to blame if something doesn’t work ;)
<chadmed> no pressure or anything, but your code will be entrusted with my family's life memories :)
<sven> uh oh
<sven> I actually have a long weekend and want to finally get back to the usb mess now
<chadmed> i have money on NHI breaking at least one more time
<sven> im not gonna bet against that
<j`ey> sven: it's going to be a looong weekend
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<jannau> did you find anyhing on maz' 6.9-rc usb issue? I was thinking of rebasing onto 6.9-rc7 to hopefully catch any regression before 6.9
<sven> I tried reproducing it but couldn’t do far :/
<sven> *so
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<bluetail> I hope you are not going to try to reproduce that translation error issue
<jannau> we have to. that one is (probably if it is the same issue) not limited to your setup
<fooxi> chadmed: If the performance governor that you have in dev mode fixes the problem, does that mean the issue is fixable by optimization at some point and that this may have caused you guys to create a ticket in some system somewhere? :)
<fooxi> Just trying to figure out if it's reasonable to wait for a fix, or if I should downgrade.
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<chadmed> we may have already found part of the problem so just sit tight i guess :)
<fooxi> <3 thank you!
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<maz> sven: I'll try to have a look when I get a chance. it could also be that my DT is out of whack with what the driver wants (the u-boot build is over a year old).
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<bluetail> jannau the translation fault is not present on my x86 machine, but the behavior of disconnecting is.
<bluetail> I am just careful when making a statement about what the cause may be
<bluetail> I do think it could be related to the type of the enclosure
<bluetail> I do think, with the translation error fixed, the issue disconnecting will still be present, but the unit will be sent back tomorrow, anyways.
<bluetail> ( enclosure )
<jannau> ah, the translation fault is an issue though
<bluetail> Is the impact foreseeable, or will it result in a random issue?
<bluetail> ( trying to understand the implication of such fault to learn from it )
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<maz> sven: I just realised I'm also getting messages that say "[ 4.068348] phy-apple-atc 703000000.phy: pipehandler lock not acked, this type-c port is probably dead until the next reboot."
<sven> yeah, that I one I know about
<sven> and also how to fix it
<sven> it’s surprising usb3 worked _at all_ the way I implemented it
<maz> don't underestimate the power of default values... ;-)
<fooxi> j`ey: any idea what is causing the video freezing? codec?
<leio> fwiw, I don't get and usb data with phone, only charging, with one cable in any of the back type-c ports at least, complains about "can't set config #1, error -71", but works with a fatter cable
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<j`ey> fooxi: I think it's a CPU speed/scheduling type thing, when I put firefox on the perf cores, it was fine
<j`ey> but the E cores should be fast enough for 1080p, so Im not sure
<fooxi> j`ey: interesting! thanks
<j`ey> fooxi: taskset is the program that can help you try that
<fooxi> cheers!
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<fooxi> j`ey: do you know the core # for the performance cores?
<fooxi> m1 pro
<leio> fooxi: i recently found `lscpu -e` to be helpful for this, instead of manually figuring it out from cpuinfo or default lscpu
<leio> the p cores would have higher max MHZ listed than the rest
<leio> taskset numbers are the first CPU column then
<fooxi> oh, excellent.
<fooxi> So 4:7 then.
<fooxi> That fixed my 1080p @ twitch freezing issue, indeed. Thanks leio & j`ey!
<fooxi> That causes some visual glitches though.
<fooxi> ... and it persists on reboot.
<fooxi> Areas go black and doesnt revert back, making the system unusable.
<fooxi> Which doesnt make sense since taskset is no longer running, so I guess something else borked?
<fooxi> How do I even fix this, lol.
<fooxi> Rebooting doesnt help. Reinstall?
<fooxi> The bottom panel disappears whenever i minimize something.
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<iyes> hi! i wanted to try to see if my bluetooth headset mic would be usable under asahi. i connected the headset, but only an audio output device showed up (and it worked fine), but no input. i couldnt find any way to enable the input.
<iyes> now i know this is probably not an issue with asahi, but with pipewire or something
<iyes> but here is something asahi-specific that happened:
<iyes> after i paired and connected the headset on asahi, i cannot get it to connect on macos anymore
<iyes> i tried to reboot into macos, and when i tried to connect to the headset from macos, it just didnt work
<iyes> i tried pairing mode on the headset, no difference
<iyes> what could be the explanation for this behavior?
<PaulFertser> iyes: does this headset work with any other GNU/Linux device? BTW, take into consideration that for sound playback you want A2DP Bluetooth profile while for two way communication you want HSP or HFP profile. And a headset can't do both at the same time so if you've connected it as a music playback device then you can't record it, that's just how those Bluetooth profiles are designed.
<iyes> wait so how can i be in a discord call in macos and use the headset for both output and input then?
<iyes> what mode/profile does that use?
<jannau> fooxi: disable the "Blur" desktop effect, if you have multiple virtual desktops switching the desktop will fix it
<PaulFertser> iyes: HFP with shitty sound quality
<iyes> aha, so i guess i never noticed that because i wasnt listening to music or something while using the headset mic
<iyes> okay so i guess i should look into how to switch bluetooth profiles under linux
<iyes> thanks for the info
<iyes> and does anyone have any idea why i can no longer connect the headset on macos?
<iyes> is it possible that the headset is confused or something, because i paired it from two different OSs on the same machine? or is it possible that asahi somehow left things in a state that macos doesnt like?
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<maz> sven: just checked with a newer u-boot, and I get the exact same SError when dwc3 initialises.
<fooxi> jannau: <3
<fooxi> jannau: Thank you! That fixed it.
<sven> hen, le me try to boot through u boot
<sven> *hrm
<PaulFertser> iyes: yeah, it has limited amount of pairings, you need to make it forget all the old ones before pairing in that case. There's also a way to share pairing keys between different OSes but you need to pre-plan that.
<j`ey> there is an asahi-btsync tool to do that
<iyes> i need to somehow find a way to make the headset forget all its pairings?
<iyes> or the mac's bluetooth chip?
<iyes> is the limited number pairings for the host or the device
<PaulFertser> iyes: the headset
<iyes> ah okay well uhm i sure hope that is possible to do
<PaulFertser> Sure, just RTFM...
<jannau> not sure if asahi-btsync can handle more than (apple-)input devices
<iyes> well thats the thing, this bluetooth device is kinda awful and the user manual has no info about this
<iyes> anyway, i will have to investigate
<iyes> thanks for the help
<PaulFertser> jannau: this ? You mean you suspect macOS keeps only input devices keys in that NVRAM but the other keys elsewhere?
<PaulFertser> BluetoothUHEDevices /sounds/ generic enough...
<sven> I‘d assume it stores everything but the ADT can’t be trusted much
<maz> sven: seems related to dwc3_power_off_all_roothub_ports(). commenting it out prevents the SError, but I'm then stuck with USB2. maybe related to the above PHY issue?
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<sven> yeah, if the phy is somehow in an unexpected state wrt dwc3 that might explain why things explode
<sven> I’ve seen the SoC reboot on such cases as well
<sven> *in
<maz> well, that's one way to fix it! :)
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<fooxi> chadmed: running firefox on one of the performance cores solves my scrolling-stutter issue, too.
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<ddxtanx> Does anyone have the fedora-asahi-remix-hotfixes.repo file thats in /etc/yum.repos.d? I accidentally overwrote it w/ tee and couldnt find it anywhere online like I could for the other ones
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<Georgemoody> looks like there's alreadt a thread on the forums about the bluetooth issues after upgrading to 40, glad i'm not alone
<tramtrist> firefox keeps crashing/disappearing on 40
<tramtrist> hm
<j`ey> Georgemoody: fix/revert has been identified
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<chadmed_> Arbifox: not every piece of software is poorly engineered and assumes 4K pages. the lack of bare-metal 4K page support does not negate the raison d'etre of asahi lmao wtf
<chadmed_> most of the important IOMMUs on these SoCs do not support 4K pages and some others dont support bypass mode (rightfully so, it's insecure for e.g. pcie), so when you apply the 4K iommu patches you will lose wifi, bluetooth, gpu, thunderbolt (when it arrives) and usb-a ports
<chadmed_> you also lose like 20% performance on the application cores
<chadmed_> the microvm stuff has a lower performance penalty than trying to run those 4K patches
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<chadmed_> nvm that was meant for #asahi-alt :/
<nicolas17> I was trying to find what you were replying to
<nicolas17> they aren't here so you should re-send your messages there :P
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<chadmed_> yeah
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