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<sven> marcan: so i'm looking at upstreaming misc stuff and came across which mentions that "the driver uses a 10ms timeout" but afaict it already had a 100ms timeout before since
<sven> do you remember if it's the improved pasemi_smb_clear and the error handling that actually fixed the tipd issues instead of an increased timeout?
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<jannau> sven: that was a parallel development, see
<sven> 2022 🙃
<sven> thanks
<jannau> to my understanding / recollection 34edaaa716ba just implements error recovery. I think the driver / bus / chip was otherwise completely broken after running into the tiemout once
<sven> pretty sure the timeout was much larger than 10ms in the polling code because it used msleep(1) fwiw
<sven> that apparently sleeps up to 20ms
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<mariogrip> Hello, I'm trying to get macvdmtool working, but im stuck trying to disable AppleSerialShim, when i do that i end up with a bootloop
<mariogrip> this is with 14.1, so not sure if anything changed or?
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