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<chadmed_> what benefit is there to fixing the system timer frequency to such a high value?
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<kettenis> chadmed: ARM requires the system timer to run at 1GHz in ARMv8.6 and later
<chadmed> kettenis: i know, im asking why they would do that
<kettenis> box ticking?
<chadmed> i get no longer having it be impl def but why such a high frequency
<kettenis> 1ns resolution is useful to have when micro-benchmarking
<kettenis> and the counter still shouldn't overflow in the lifetime of the hardware, so why not?
<chadmed> are they fixed at 64 bit counters now too?
<chadmed> (t6020's 56 bit one wraps after like an hour)
<kettenis> erh, 56-bit wraps after 776 days according to my calculation
<kettenis> or rather 833
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<chadmed> kernel says it wraps every 4398046511097ns which is just over an hour
<alice> sounds like the resolution is like 40 bit
<maz> chadmed: so that you can migrate VMs across systems and don't worry about details such as the timer freq.
<maz> also, the counter doesn't have to tick at 1GHz. its apparent resolution has to be 1GHz.
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