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<nicolas17> installing boot components from an OTA zip instead of ipsw
<jannau> nicolas17: trying to avoid the dcp non-promotion init bug by installing 13.6.x for which no ipsw exists
<nicolas17> and that ended up not working? I can't find anywhere an ota zip is actually used
<jannau> iirc it was pointless since apple's "fix" in 13.6* was some bug avoidance which wouldn't have helped us
<nicolas17> well fyi macOS 15 is now distributing OTAs as AppleArchive instead of zip, so all this stuff won't work anymore for future versions
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<chadmed> AppleArchive being lzfse?
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<nicolas17> chadmed: OTAs in macOS 14 were zips, containing payload.nnn files, which are lzfse-compressed AppleArchive
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<nicolas17> in macOS 15 (and iOS 18 etc), the *outer* zip is now an *encrypted* applearchive
<nicolas17> .aea
<chadmed> theyre still shipping ipsws though right
<nicolas17> yes
<nicolas17> they're shipping ipsws where the rootfs is in a .dmg.aea
<nicolas17> x_x
<nicolas17> fortunately asahi doesn't care about the rootfs dmg
<chadmed> smells like product managers
<jannau> macos 15 supports nested virtualization and hw accelerated GIC:
<nicolas17> best theory is that they can stop us from decrypting leaked ipsws
<chadmed> i dont want their leaked ipsw if its going to have openai stankware in it now
<nicolas17> :p
<nicolas17> tbf Siri sends more data to Google in current versions than it will send to OpenAI in the new version
<chadmed> true but i work in the part of IT where the "IT professionals" clap like brain damaged seals at the mere mention of AI or ${thing}GPT so im just sick to death of it being everywhere and had hope that apple would just not entertain this bs
<chadmed> like i had to explain to a guy last week why simply copying and pasting (yes literally ctrl c and ctrl v) 40,000 rows from a spreadsheet into the web version of chatgpt wouldnt "proactively identify trends before they arise"
<chadmed> like just fuck off with this stuff already
<nicolas17> a friend asked me for help updating a mini game for a conference stand, and I tried but my main roadblock was that the existing code was written with significant "help" from Copilot/ChatGPT, and it *showed*
<nicolas17> I couldn't get it to work by the deadline, it was too unmaintainable
<chadmed> i got dirty looks from some of the sales guys today because i mentioned in passing that i had banned my team from using it for anything requiring putting customer data into it
<chadmed> not that i think it would stop some of them from doing it, but at least its in writing that i said not to
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