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<marcan> the kmutil command you need is there
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<Emantor> I have created with the commands I used to create the kernel cache and steps to run the kernel under the m1n1 hypervisor.
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<pugguu> Morning
<Emantor> hi
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<alessandrorzz[m]> Hi, can I ask a question about the project?
<j_ey> yes
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<alessandrorzz[m]> Ok, the project is only available for Mac mini m1?
<j_ey> no, all m1
<j_ey> well, mba and mbp
<j_ey> not ipad
<Mary> marcan: thanks will look into this ^^
<alessandrorzz[m]> But now the projects is available?
<j_ey> alessandrorzz[m]: not for end users yet
<alessandrorzz[m]> Ok, when it will be available?
<j_ey> at least months
<jannau> what do you mean by available?
<j_ey> that too ^
<alessandrorzz[m]> Ok, I ask you because I would like to install arch linux on my mac m1
<j_ey> alessandrorzz[m]: if you want it usuable as a daily computer, that will be a while
<alessandrorzz[m]> Like at the end of 2021?
<Emantor> alessandrorzz[m]: I don't think so. There are no ETAs.
<pipcet[m]> alessandrorzz: there are other ports that are further along (but have other issues), but it's hard to tell for Asahi Linux
<j_ey> those other ports were demos / havent been updated since feb
<alessandrorzz[m]> Oh, nowadays I use parallels to emulate Linux, but arch Linux don’t have a iso for arn64
<alessandrorzz[m]> * Oh, nowadays I use parallels to emulate Linux, but arch Linux doesn’t have a iso for arn64
<j_ey> right, there's for thta
<pipcet[m]> j_ey: I believe there are forks that are kept up-to-date, which is what I've been doing.
<alessandrorzz[m]> I’ve also tried to install it from arch but I don’t know how to boot it
<alessandrorzz[m]> I’ve created a kali vm and followed the wiki called generic arch installation
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<pugguu> Any streams today?
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<marcan> not today
<marcan> I'm actually going to take it easy this coming week, because I have a bunch of catch-up to do on things I've been neglecting a bit too much
<marcan> there will probably be a couple streams refactoring the HV a bit into something more useful though; mostly so we can have modular mmiotrace decoders
<marcan> maybe cleaning up the proxyclient directory as a whole
<pugguu> Gotya
<marcan> and I do plan on doing that hv explainer stream
<marcan> not sure when yet, probably this week though
<pugguu> So what u doing after the hv
<marcan> using it
<pugguu> Ok mr obvious what are u useing it to do
<marcan> I'm thinking I want to first cut through the chase and get a GPU command list dumper done, that'll give her something to look at since her userspace stuff is using an interface obscured by the macos iokit stuff
<marcan> *her = bloom
<pugguu> Who is bloom
<marcan> alyssa
<pugguu> Isnt that the lady doing all the gpu fun
<marcan> yes
<pugguu> Will she be doing any streams
<marcan> I don't think so
<marcan> then probably next up I want to have some side-core bringup code in m1n1, so I can bring up DCP and then figure out that mailbox protocol; I'm hoping it won't be too complex for basic functionality
<marcan> and then I can do the same for GFX and start looking into how hard it is to bring up the GPU
<marcan> building mmiotrace tooling along the way
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<pugguu> And in im not a programmer lanuage?
<marcan> figuring out display resolution/mode switching, and how to initialize the rendering/GPU
<pugguu> Ah
<marcan> ideally I want to get to being able to bring up the proper display and GPU render a triangle all from m1n1 (python); once that works that's enough of a PoC to start writing a proper linux driver
<marcan> (the triangle part doesn't need to duplicate all of alyssa's work, I can just get some shader binary blobs from her code)
<marcan> (I'm interested in the rest of it)
<pugguu> And will we get valkan support
<marcan> not initially
<marcan> eventually, probably
<marcan> she's targeting gl only initially until we understand the gpu better
<marcan> a vulkan driver can be written later
<pugguu> As long as eventually is the awncer im happy
<pugguu> Aka im happy with that
<pugguu> Im just wondering cus yesterday we were talking about rosetta2 alternatives so we could run stuff like discord and steam
<pugguu> And other x86 stuff
<marcan> that's something I'm interested in but other than qemu-user which will probably work (but not very fast) it'll come later
<marcan> I hope someone else works on such a project, there are people much more qualified than I am to be doing that kind of JIT stuff
<pugguu> JIT?
<alessandrorzz[m]> <alessandrorzz[m] "I’ve created a kali vm and follo"> How can I boot it?
<brentr123[m]> Anyway to make the hyper visor boot with all cores?
<Emantor> Currently not.
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<yrlf> brentr123[m]: as I understand it multicore HV needs a bit of synchronization code to avoid race conditions in the hypervisor, and to serialize the calls into python (can't have python handle multiple faults at once)
<yrlf> also getting the cores to EL1 and handing them over to macOS I think
<yrlf> (more or less; this is my view of it as someone who follows the project, but hasn't done anything except a typo commit and getting it to build on clang a while back)
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<marcan> yrlf: that is accurate
<marcan> that plus cpustart mmio virtualization so we hand off the cores to macos when it wants us to
<marcan> another nice thing to do would be to make sleep/resume work; not sure what's needed for that yet but it would be good to research a bit; pretty sure the RVBAR for cpu0 is involved
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<yrlf> ah yes, macos will of course assume it gets to start the cpus itself, that makes sense
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<bloom> On Air - ☁️
<bloom> Mesa workstream
<balrog> bloom: do you plan to save recordings?
<choozy> balrog: Twitch doesn't save it for you?
<bloom> Dunno
<pugguu> Make shure to save them cus i like to skim them
<j_ey> bloom: whats scissoring?
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<choozy> Could it be something like this j_ey?
<j_ey> only 4 billion scissors D: :P
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<j_ey> choozy: yeah, she just explained it!
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<choozy> :)
<pugguu> Damit my internet playing up
<balrog> bloom: twitch doesn't save them unless you have that turned on in settings
<balrog> and even if it's turned on they get removed in a few weeks
<balrog> some people reupload to youtube
<pugguu> Personally i prefer youtube anyways
<pugguu> Cus then i dont have to use a diffrent client so i can quickly go from skimming through a marcan stream then straight to a bloom stream
<pugguu> Also i love that chat replay feature
<pugguu> On youtube
<choozy> pugguu, that sounds like a good idea
<balrog> there's also the fact that twitch makes it much more difficult to use a FOSS client
<jn> livestreamer works
<jn> oh wait, something changed about the package
<jn> (ah, it was apparently renamed to streamlink)
<jn> bloom: indeed, bare mpv appears to work too
<nico_32> orion is broken
<nico_32> but yes mpv works :)
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<j_ey> bloom: is there code review?
<balrog> jn: streamlink works but they keep breaking it
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<j_ey> bloom: youre missng the << 4?
<j_ey> answer: not missing, fixed by changing the field offset in xml
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<bloom> ..and we're back
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<j_ey> bloom: mapping fb into the GPU mem sounds fun
* bloom looks for iOKit notes
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