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<karolherbst> wow rust even specifies true == 1
<airlied> jekstrand: functions won't start themselves :-P
* airlied started hacking it up in llvmpipe but it was too much for my brain at the time
<airlied> esp around passing implicit kernel args or context to each fn call
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<karolherbst> okay.. that CTS test is broken :)
<karolherbst> okay
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<karolherbst> I think I will fix that image_format and image_order stuff next
<karolherbst> I just have no good idea on how to do it...
<karolherbst> I kind of hate what I've done for clover
<airlied> I also think in theory amd could do some of that on the hw side
<karolherbst> fun
<karolherbst> airlied: the thing is just, we have to map to those silly CL values
<karolherbst> something something was very ugly there
<airlied> yeah its messy, and I'm fine with just lowering to const buffers
<airlied> since I doubt it's very used
<karolherbst> no
<karolherbst> ugly in a "llvm does magic" sense
<karolherbst> so we get magic + 0x000010d0 and stuff in the shader
<airlied> ah yeah clang magic
<karolherbst> I don't even know why they think it was a good idea?
<airlied> karolherbst: something with spir-v as well
<karolherbst> could be
<airlied> I think spir-v defines them at 0 base
<airlied> then has to add them to get CL
<karolherbst> I don't think so
<karolherbst> I had to add a isub to make it pass tests
<karolherbst> airlied: yeah.. so OpenCL C is 0 based
<karolherbst> i think?
<karolherbst> ohh wait no.. so something adds the add, and if I push the CL value in, I have to isub the base again..
<karolherbst> right
<karolherbst> that's how it was
<karolherbst> airlied: ahh yeah.. seems like you are right
<karolherbst> spir-v is indeed 0 based
<karolherbst> annoying
<karolherbst> oh well
<karolherbst> it's constant folded anyway
<karolherbst> I will sleep over it and come up with a good solution
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<airlied> karolherbst: I think the conversion code is in the translator
<airlied> SPIRVToOCLBase::visitCallSPIRVImageQueryBuiltIn
<airlied> OCLToSPIRVBase::visitCallGetImageChannel
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<karolherbst> yeah.. but it does seem to do the correct thing given the spir-v spec
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<jekstrand> airlied: I'm starting to think that functions may be something I need to start on sooner rather than later.
<jekstrand> Because if I don't, someone else will, badly, and then I'll get to clean up the mess. :-/
<jekstrand> Or maybe that's just too pessimistic of me.
<jekstrand> idk
<jekstrand> The first step, though, is to fix various optimization passes so they're valid to run pre-lowering. Lots of stuff assumes everything is inlined.
<jekstrand> Even if it has nothing to do with functions, lots of passes make implicit assumptions the author didn't realize.
<jekstrand> Maybe I should dig into that with the Intel compiler and see where it goes.
<jekstrand> I'll probably stick with compute for now. Other stages have lots of I/O which makes assuming inlining is really convenient.
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<icecream95> jekstrand: r u saying that my implementation of functions is going to be bad??
<jekstrand> icecream95: Not you in particular. I just tend to assume that people will forget things or not know how NIR works somewhere or not realize that they're running optimizations that aren't function-safe or whatever.
<jekstrand> It's not an insult.
<icecream95> jekstrand: I'm going to try to keep to the backend side, so hopefully will not make too many conflicting changes to NIR passes
<jekstrand> Yeah, the back-end is where a lot of the pain is.
<jekstrand> Retrofitting the Intel back-end will be... entertaining.
<jekstrand> Not especially looking forward to that TBH
<jekstrand> But I should be able to pull something off.
<icecream95> But first I need to bisect an issue around shadow samplers..
<icecream95> Let me guess.. GL_CLAMP emulation?
<karolherbst> icecream95: shadow samplers?
<icecream95> karolherbst: This isn't CL
<karolherbst> ahh
<karolherbst> jekstrand: I am wondering if we should just emit two arrays for the format+order thing at index it with the image index...
<karolherbst> *and
<karolherbst> I don't really like the approach I had for clover, where I was adding uniform variables for each image
<icecream95> zmike: lower_tex_to_txd seems to miss a number of fields that should be copied, such as is_shadow
<zmike> better copy them then
<zmike> the txb one probably does too
<airlied> jekstrand: I did have it pass functions through to llvmpipe and not have nir explode
<airlied> jekstrand: only 3-4 spirv/nir patches to set things up, it at least passed some basic tests :-P
<karolherbst> airlied: I'd throw luxmark at it, but llvmpipe kind of crashes with it :(
<airlied> that branch does the wrong thing in lots of places before that :)
<karolherbst> :D
<airlied> mixing llvmpipe simd flow control with LLVM flow control is tricky
<airlied> got to at least pass the current exec_mask into all functions
<karolherbst> something something is very wrong with buffers and I have no clue what
<airlied> then I went down the hole of passing in lots of things into every function
<karolherbst> ohh I have an idea what's broken
<airlied> and then I think I was like wtf globabl variables could save me
<airlied> then I realised I had other problems with global vars so just ran away
<karolherbst> oops
<karolherbst> airlied: :(
<karolherbst> I hope it has nothing to do with alignment
<karolherbst> airlied: what's that "Treating load_kernel_arg in control flow as uniform, results may be incorrect" message btw?
<karolherbst> ohhh
<airlied> load_kernel_arg expects the argument to be uniform across the wave
<karolherbst> yeah mhh
<airlied> and only picks the first active wave to use to load it
<airlied> not sure if kernel arguments can be dynanically indexed, don't think you can
<karolherbst> yeah.. no idea
<karolherbst> I will take a look at the test hitting this
<karolherbst> okay, it's a load_const (0x00000020 = 0.000000) :)
<airlied> yeah so that should be fine
* airlied isn't sure if you can have an array of kernel arguments :-P
<karolherbst> you can
<karolherbst> so, arrays are of course illegal as kernel args
<karolherbst> but structs aren't
<karolherbst> so you just wrap your array with a struct and indirectly access it
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<karolherbst> but "allocations image2d_write" and "allocations image2d_read" fail and this worries me a bit
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<airlied> dcbaker: 3bbd404457e6e3278afd78f6721be9e174c6b777 still seems to be missing from 22.0 staging
<karolherbst> but that test is a little insane
<karolherbst> "Pixel 9440, 5, component 0, expected 47200, got 3873333467."
<karolherbst> it's always failing at that one pixel though
<karolherbst> maybe we overflow somewhere?
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<karolherbst> "kernel compilation time: 175809ms"
<karolherbst> I think we can do better
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<jekstrand> airlied: I'm less worried about exploding than I am about silently and subtly optimizing something wrong and you have no clue why.
<jekstrand> airlied: Lots of stuff doesn't actually think through global variables very well, for instnace.
<jekstrand> We tend to assume they're just like locals (global as in nir_var_shader_temp)
<jekstrand> We also used to have a bunch of metadata problems where it would or wouldn't get invalidated on a per-shader basis when it should have been per-function. I think that one's mostly sorted now.
<airlied> jekstrand: hopefully a full cl CTS would show up any major insanity, but sounds like a lot of auditing
<jekstrand> airlied: What CTS? OpenCL? Nah. it's not that complex.
<jekstrand> I think some of it will be shown by optimizing libclc more before we inline it all.
<jekstrand> And successfully running luxmark would give me some confidence.
<jekstrand> The Vulkan CTS might have enough function stuff going on; not sure.
<jekstrand> It either doesn't use functions at all or uses them for lots of stupid.
<Sachiel> the graphicsfuzz tests have plenty of those
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<jekstrand> Yeah, I think if I could run the full Vulkan CTS with zero inlining for compute shaders, I'd have a reasonable level of confidence that it was working.
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<airlied> robclark: can you put a small bit more summary info in fixes pull requests :-)
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<robclark> airlied: last -fixes is "fail less at system suspend plus misc small fixes"?
<airlied> cool, I just stuck in some guess work anyways :-P
<robclark> system suspend is, tbh, something I wonder about with other drivers.. we've been finding some fun corner cases that we wouldn't have seen without umm.. crowd sourced debugging (ie. digging through crash reports from field)
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<karolherbst> dcbaker: I triggered an annoying bug. If rustc gets updated on the system in the meantime, meson doesn't recompile stuff. Not sure if I reported it in the past or not
<karolherbst> jekstrand: there is some nice stuff un it :)
<karolherbst> *in
<karolherbst> like Arc::new_cyclic
<karolherbst> not sure if we still need it though?
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<jekstrand> karolherbst: ! I like! That's exactly what I wanted.
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* jekstrand starts a CL CTS run on panfrost
<jekstrand> Without clear_buffer or clear_texture, it's gonna be a bit busted but better than nothing, I guess.
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<karolherbst> jekstrand: we kind of need a better solution for those static inlines :(
<jekstrand> karolherbst: context?
<karolherbst> Also I kind of plan to port over to rust 2018, just don't know if I want to fix up history or do one mega commit
<karolherbst> jekstrand: like bindgen won't generate bindings for static inline functions
<jekstrand> karolherbst: right
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<dv_> does anyone know if it is valid to dup() the FD of an open dma-heap device node?
<karolherbst> jekstrand: I am seriously thinking about just emitting two u16 arrays for format+order and always put those into the input buffer.. because handling indirects any other way would be brutal
<jekstrand> karolherbst: I guess. I didn't think the input-per-image was too bad
<jekstrand> Depends on when you want to do the lowering, I guess.
<karolherbst> yeah, it's not, it just gets complicated in terms of DCE and what if you have an indirect
<karolherbst> anyway.. it's also just 32 bits per image argument
* jekstrand decides to let Fedora download LLVM debug symbols this time
<karolherbst> big mistake :P
<karolherbst> nir_load_deref(nir_build_deref_array(nir_load_var)) is what I need to do, right?
<jekstrand> yup
<karolherbst> ehh s/nir_load_var/nir_build_deref_var/
<jekstrand> yeah
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<karolherbst> nnoooo.. those #undefs in nir_builder.h are killing my wrapper :D
<jekstrand> Why are you trying to write NIR passes in Rust?
<jekstrand> You're asking for pain
<karolherbst> because I am not doing much
<karolherbst> but yeah.. maybe I should move the pass into C code and see how I deal with sharing data
<jekstrand> *sigh* Who thought vec4 for compute was a good idea? Aparently, Arm did...
<imirkin> it's 4x faster
<karolherbst> :) it's 4 times as fast as scalar, everybody nows that
<imirkin> lol
<karolherbst> *knows
<imirkin> and two people can't both be wrong
<karolherbst> :D
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<jekstrand> The annoying thing is that, if we want this mess to actually work, we either need to teach the bifrost compiler vec8 and vec16 or we need to make nir_lower_alu_to_scalar a generic narrowing pass that takes a maximum width or a callback or something.
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<karolherbst> jekstrand: I'd guess the latter is better
<jekstrand> karolherbst: Yeah, I'm looking into that.
<jekstrand> karolherbst: I don't think it should be that hard to make it narrow instead of always scalarize
<karolherbst> shouldn't
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<karolherbst> soo.. kernel side is all done for format and order :) now I just have to upload the values
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<alyssa> I find myself wanting to write developer docs for panfrost
<alyssa> The obvious place is but I don't know how appropriate it is,
<alyssa> the info there is all targeted at end users
<alyssa> (How to build and run panfrost, not how to hack on it)
<alyssa> karolherbst: u64vec4x0a32B
<alyssa> the heck?
<karolherbst> yes...
<karolherbst> soo
<karolherbst> that's explicit stride stuff or something
<karolherbst> I though it's some memory corruption somewhere, but Jason said that's how it's supposed to look like
<karolherbst> PASSED 42 of 42 sub-tests. :)
<karolherbst> jenatali: do you have any data on what image formats/types applications are most interested in?
<karolherbst> uhhh "Returned array size did not validate (expected 53, got 0)" :(
<jenatali> karolherbst: no, not really. I'd assume the normal 8bpc unorm stuff
<karolherbst> yeah... I mean. CL already specifies what's required, I am just wondering what I should care about on top from the start
<karolherbst> and the 8bpc unorm stuff is already included in that afaik
<karolherbst> but like.. only CL_R, not CL_A
<karolherbst> although as long as stuff passes I can also just expose as much as possible
<jenatali> Yeah I doubt apps really care for much beyond the required
<karolherbst> I just don't have a nice way of declaring the CL -> pipe mappings, so every combination is a new entry :(
<jenatali> My read on how CL was designed was that the speccers just looked at what they *could* do without asking what people want
<karolherbst> ohh that's for sure
<jenatali> How else do you end up with CL2.x that nobody uses
<karolherbst> but some might want want 2 channel images
<karolherbst> which are purely optional
<karolherbst> anyway, if you don't have any data on that, then I guess we have to see what people complain about :)
<jenatali> Oh didn't realize. I just hooked up whatever D3D supports, which covered all the required, I didn't look at which ones of them were optional
<karolherbst> yeah right..
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<karolherbst> in C you can also just do loops and macro magic
<karolherbst> rust macros can't create new tokens :(
<karolherbst> so you can't just concat names
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<linkmauve> std::concat_idents!() is annoyingly nightly-only, but there is the concat-idents crate which makes it usable on stable.
<karolherbst> linkmauve: right.. which comes back to the issue that we can't use external crates with meson yet :)
<karolherbst> so I just ignore those issues unless it's important
<linkmauve> For now you could perhaps copy its code?
<karolherbst> it's not as simple
<karolherbst> although meson does support proc macros now I think :D
<linkmauve> Right, it depends on syn.
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<karolherbst> proc macro support will help us with some stuff though
<karolherbst> maybe I hack something up
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<karolherbst> jekstrand: I think image_size is busted for array images :( maybe I do something wrongly, but it does work for read images.. mhh
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<karolherbst> mhhhhh
<karolherbst> vec2 32 con ssa_3 = intrinsic image_size (ssa_0, ssa_0) (image_dim=1D /*0*/, image_array=true /*1*/, format=none /*0*/, access=8)
<karolherbst> vec2 64 con ssa_4 = intrinsic image_size (ssa_0, ssa_0) (image_dim=1D /*0*/, image_array=true /*1*/, format=none /*0*/, access=8)
<jekstrand> karolherbst: Do we have a pass for scalarizing I/O? nir_intrinsic_load_global and friends?
<karolherbst> uhm...
<karolherbst> I think so...
<karolherbst> if not in tree, there should be an MR
<karolherbst> I think I saw something at some point somewhere
<karolherbst> jekstrand: nir_opt_load_store_vectorize.c?
<karolherbst> ehh wait
<karolherbst> scalarizing, not vectorizing
<karolherbst> :(
<jekstrand> karolherbst: Yeah, that one might be able to scalarize too. I can't remember.
<karolherbst> jekstrand: nir_lower_io_to_scalar.c
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<karolherbst> but I guess it only does input atm
<karolherbst> I doubt it's hard to add support for global there
* jekstrand will type something mali-specific for now
<karolherbst> nooo.. I broke stuff :(
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<karolherbst> ehh.. crap
<karolherbst> we have seperate numbering for readonly and writeonly images
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<jekstrand> uh... Why am I getting 64-bit immediates in this shader?!?
<karolherbst> jekstrand: you don't want them?
<jekstrand> The panfrost compiler doesn't seem to think so. (-:
<karolherbst> well that's just sad
<karolherbst> the hw is 64 bit though, no?
<jekstrand> The panfrost compiler also thinks it's lowering 64-bit stuff away and that's clearly not happening. :-/
<jekstrand> Ooh, because I added it! Drp.
<karolherbst> :D
* jekstrand needs to lower harder
<karolherbst> I think I overengineered again
<karolherbst> "An image type cannot be used to declare a variable, a structure or union field, an array of images, a pointer to an image, or the return type of a function."
<karolherbst> that makes things simple
<jekstrand> :)
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<karolherbst> I still keep the array as this makes it easier in rusticl, but still :D I wanted to figure out how to properly solve the issue of indirects at readonly and writeonly images, but guess the spec solves that for me
<alyssa> jekstrand: sounds like you're having fun
<jekstrand> alyssa: more or less. :)
<karolherbst> ehh
<karolherbst> I think image_deref_format lowering is broken
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<karolherbst> ehh maybe not
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<karolherbst> I can rely on the access thing, no?
<jekstrand> I've got test_buffers buffer_map_write_float not dying, but it fails random test. :-/
<karolherbst> mhhh
<karolherbst> let me check what was a good test to start all of this
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<karolherbst> jekstrand: does allocations buffer work?
<jekstrand> It's definitely allocating successfully
<karolherbst> I think that one also maps and verifies content
<karolherbst> it's doing weird things, but it's not as huge as the buffers tests
* karolherbst kicks of another CTS run
<karolherbst> alyssa: I got to say, that's one of the most fun projects I've been working on for quite some time :D
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<jekstrand> karolherbst: Maybe it is mapping fail. I'm seeing all zeros
<jekstrand> And it doesn't seem fully deterministic
<jekstrand> Unless someone's flushing these here denorms. :-/
* jekstrand tries the int test
<jekstrand> Yeah, either somethings going really wrong launching my kernel or this map is bad.
<jekstrand> But not all my maps are bad
<jekstrand> But I don't know panfrost well enough to know which to distrust more. :-(
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<jekstrand> karolherbst: test_allocations buffer fails :-/
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<jekstrand> Oh, test_allocations buffer is hanging. Or, at least, timing out.
<jekstrand> I guess that poor little GPU doesn't want to checksum 512MB that fast.
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<kisak> dcbaker: if you have a spare moment, can you check that the (staging/)mesa 22.1 branch went live, and the 22.1-branchpoint tag?
<dcbaker> kisak: they haven't yet, I ran out of time waiting for marge to merge the version bump last night so I'm making them right now
<karolherbst> jekstrand: mhh, could be some flushing issue
<karolherbst> or fencing
<kisak> thanks, I was just checking if it fell into the abyss by accident
<dcbaker> just the CI abyss :)
<karolherbst> "Pass 2122 Fails 24 Crashes 30 Timeouts 0" :)
<alyssa> :D
<alyssa> iris?
<kisak> over here, I completely missed that llvm 14.0.0 was released until there was 14.0.1 news
<jekstrand> karolherbst: I typed up a u_default_clear_buffer() helper for panfrost. Maybe we should do that for iris too?
<karolherbst> alyssa: yes
<karolherbst> jekstrand: maybe
<karolherbst> jekstrand: soo.. image_size is somewhat broken with iris
<jekstrand> karolherbst: It's identical to buffer_subdata except with the repeat
<jekstrand> karolherbst: That's entirely possible.
<jekstrand> karolherbst: I did think it worked, though.
<karolherbst> but only for 1d and 2d arrays
<karolherbst> and only for images
<karolherbst> those tests pass on llvmpipe
<jekstrand> hrm
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<dcbaker> kisak: branches and tags are up, the release is cutting right now
<dcbaker> karolherbst: that's an interesting issue... we don't track that explicitly for C-like lanuages either, I suspect that as a side effect that a major gcc bump also changes some headers so ninja decides to rebuild everything because the headers have changed...
<karolherbst> jekstrand: heh.. maybe I messed up.. on ADL-S it asserts
<karolherbst> dcbaker: potentially
<karolherbst> but gcc doesn't has this strong version check on object files
<jekstrand> modulo CL/Vulkan/GL differences, image_size should work. Vulkan tests it.
<karolherbst> rustc bails if a dep is compiled with a different compiler
<karolherbst> or well.. different version at least
<karolherbst> I see a crash inside brw_nir_clamp_image_1d_2d_array_sizeshere
<karolherbst> I am sure I messed it up for good
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<karolherbst> jekstrand: what is a bit odd is that I get two image_size ops, one 32 and the other 64 bit
<jekstrand> that is odd
<jekstrand> Why is there a 64-bit one?
<karolherbst> because of the spir-v
<karolherbst> jekstrand: ahh.. I know
<karolherbst> get_image_* funcs return int
<karolherbst> get_image_array_size returns... size_t
<karolherbst> because.. you know
<jekstrand> Of course it does!
<karolherbst> this makes sense, because cl_image_desc.image_width is size_t
<karolherbst> (and the others)
<karolherbst> honestly...
<jekstrand> Yeah, we need to turn that into 32-bit in NIR somewhere.
<karolherbst> guess when handling OpImageQuerySizeLod
<karolherbst> (and OpImageQuerySize)
<jekstrand> Yeah, that would work.
<jekstrand> Or as some bit of lowering somewhere.
<jekstrand> Though spirv_to_nir seems as good a place as any for now.
<jekstrand> I can't envision us caring about 64-bit image dimensions any time soon
<karolherbst> CL doesn't care anyway
<karolherbst> the API allows it, but...
<karolherbst> but maybe they thought allowing that on arrays makes sense because....?
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<karolherbst> jekstrand: vtn_handle_image is kind of a messy hell, isn't it? :D
<jekstrand> A bit
<karolherbst> it passes now :)
<jekstrand> :)
<jekstrand> I'm starting to think something is wrong with panfrost compute
<jekstrand> Kernels aren't launching right or something
* jekstrand runs test_basic
<karolherbst> but everything else works?
<jekstrand> hard to tell
<jekstrand> fpmath fails. :-/
<karolherbst> :(
<karolherbst> ohhhhh
<karolherbst> I think I know what's up
<jekstrand> sometimes
<karolherbst> weird
<karolherbst> you are aware that I still use this input buffer thing? :P
<jekstrand> what input buffer thing?
<jekstrand> Oh, the grid inputs?
<jekstrand> Right...
<karolherbst> yeah...
<jekstrand> Those might not be hooked up. :)
<karolherbst> :)
<jekstrand> but, wait... If they weren't, it'd be crashing on the NIR intrinsic, right?
<karolherbst> jekstrand: yeah...
<karolherbst> I guess somebody already did something there
<karolherbst> but maybe there is a sync issue or whatever weird stuff is going
<karolherbst> but I'd assume the kernel to just crash on hw anyway then
<karolherbst> jekstrand: are the int or conversion tests running? those are usually pretty trivial
<karolherbst> mhh.. I hope my USE_HOST_PTR emulation isn't broken, but I did do a run on iris with always using the shadow buffers and that worked fine
<karolherbst> the CTS kind of uses USE_HOST_PTR all over the place though
<karolherbst> jekstrand: didn't you had a patch for math_brute_force isnormal somewhere? or was that airlied?
<jekstrand> karolherbst: I've not touched that one
<karolherbst> I think I will go down the spirv-link hell...
<karolherbst> that's like 1 fail and 11 crashes
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<karolherbst> but I think I will add a workaround to vtn so we don't depend on a fixed one
<karolherbst> shouldn't be too hard
<zmike> dcbaker: nice work on the release
<dcbaker> thanks!
<dcbaker> btw, could you look at the top commit of the staging/22.0 branch? I had to do some manual fixups on that
<zmike> looking
<zmike> did you get that llvmpipe patch into the 22.0 branch?
<dcbaker> I'
<dcbaker> what's in the staging is what's in right now
<dcbaker> I'm trying to work through my backlog of patches right now
<dcbaker> I unfortunately have a lot of them
<zmike> dcbaker: it looks like it hasn't landed then
<zmike> please make sure the next 22.0 release doesn't go out without "gallivm/sample: detect if rho is inf or nan and flush to zero"
<zmike> this is needed for conformance submissions
<zmike> and yeah that fixup looks 👍
<dcbaker> cool, I'll get the gallivm/sample patch in next
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<jekstrand> karolherbst: Can I specify a list of tests to run?
<karolherbst> jekstrand: yeah, kind of
<karolherbst> -i buffers
<karolherbst> not sure if I implemented subtests
<jekstrand> Ok, if I run fpmath_float fpmath_float2 fpmath_float4, it fails in FP_ADD float4.
<karolherbst> :(
<jekstrand> But they all pass individually
<jekstrand> So state's getting messed up somewhere
<karolherbst> oh no
<jekstrand> Uh oh... Now they all passed
<karolherbst> sounds like memory corruptions or something
<jekstrand> Quite possibly
* jekstrand runs with valgrind
<jekstrand> Valgrind on Arm... wah wah...
<daniels> it works fine
<jekstrand> Oh, I'm sure it works correctly. You just have to wait for it.
<HdkR> jekstrand: Time for an M1Ultra? :P
<jekstrand> HdkR: I keep telling people I'll buy an M1 once someone finishes writing the GPU kernel driver for it.
<jekstrand> And, no, I'm not going to sign up for that.
<jekstrand> Nor am I making any promisses about signing up once there's a kernel driver.
<jekstrand> But it's not compelling so long as the options are MacOS vs. llvmpipe.
<HdkR> It's true, even a VM is a bit of a pain
<jekstrand> Once drm_agx.ko is alive and well, then it might be a compelling platform to hack on.
<karolherbst> mhhh
<karolherbst> annoying
* jekstrand should probably use ubsan... it's faster.
<jannau> jekstrand: and I took over Alyssa's driver for the annoying display controller
<jekstrand> karolherbst: ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
<jekstrand> karolherbst: :'(
<karolherbst> :(
<jekstrand> karolherbst: Are you not enabling disk cache for clc loading?
<karolherbst> I do
<jekstrand> hrm...
<karolherbst> why?
<jekstrand> I'm seeing SPIR-V warnings on every test startup
<karolherbst> weird
<karolherbst> I am using the drivers disk_cache in case that makes a difference
<jekstrand> karolherbst: Looks like panfrost isn't giving you a disk cache
<karolherbst> I am very sad about this
<jekstrand> Yeah, panfrost doesn't disk cache. :-(
<jekstrand> This is sad
<dcbaker> pepp: I'm looking at "3c3a8f853d gallium/tc: zero alloc transfers" for 22.0, but I'm not sure it applies, since the tc storage PR isn't in 22.0. Should I pull that series, or just forget about that patch?
<jekstrand> It doesn't take taht long to build libclc but it's still a tad annoying
<karolherbst> yeah...
<karolherbst> I don't particular like the way we convert libclc to nir, but it is a device specific thing, so I don't want to use a rusticl internal disk_cache for that where I am sure we would't mess it up
<jekstrand> Running fpmath_float fpmath_float2 fpmath_float4 seems to fail about 1 in 5 or maybe a little less often.
<karolherbst> but I do plan to wire up OpenCL C to spir-v caching at some point
<jekstrand> yeah
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<karolherbst> uhh.. I honestly have no good idea on how to fix this spirv-link stuff inside mesa :( My rough plan was to check if all needed variables were processed in vtn_handle_entry_point when calling another spir-v entrypoint, but ugh...
<karolherbst> OpVariables are already processed at this point
<karolherbst> mhhh, maybe not?
<karolherbst> ahh no, it already is
<karolherbst> guess fixing it inside spirv-link is the easier path (I hope)
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* jekstrand wonders if there's something funny with synchronization and compute jobs
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* jekstrand is skeptical of panfrost_fence_finish
<jekstrand> Nah. It's fine. A little weird but fine.
<pepp> dcbaker: the bug predates the tc storage MR but it wasn't visible because the only app using this feature was viewperf. I think that pulling the 2 commits from !15298 makes sense
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<dcbaker> pepp: sounds good, thanks
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<karolherbst> jekstrand: does it work with clover?
<jekstrand> karolherbst: Haven't tried.
<karolherbst> ehh wait.. then you'd have to do this nir serialized stuff :)
<karolherbst> :(
<jekstrand> Yeah
<jekstrand> And I think I'm hitting a panfrost bug somewhere.
<karolherbst> potentially
<jekstrand> None of what I'm seeing looks like a rusticl bug
<karolherbst> or just some implicit gallium requierement I am not following
<jekstrand> Not with how well things are working or inirs.
<karolherbst> yeah.. probably
<alyssa> jekstrand: is panfrost supposed to use a disk cache nobody told me
<karolherbst> could be that I don't set correct MEM_FLAGS or something weird, or panfrost doesn't sync on the correct combinatin or other random things :/
<jekstrand> alyssa: "supposed" is a strong word. I'd generally recommend it.
<alyssa> What does common do for the driver and what does the driver have to do?
<alyssa> and are there docs anywhere?
<karolherbst> alyssa: you just serialize your shader and cache it
<karolherbst> that's essentially it
<jekstrand> alyssa: src/util/disk_cache.h. It's better documented than most of Mesa. :-/
<anholt> jekstrand: that doesn't help make sense of how it fits in gallium drivers, unfortunately.
<jekstrand> anholt: :-/
<karolherbst> alyssa: you can also look at how we added support for nouveau for that, it's all in one MR:
<alyssa> * WARNING: 3rd party applications might be reading the cache item metadata. * Do not change these values without making the change widely known. * Please contact Valve developers and make them aware of this change.
<karolherbst> last patch is the driver stuff
<alyssa> this does not inspire confident
<alyssa> anholt: ^^ that
<anholt> alyssa: first step is you hook up the screen disk_cache. you have to do it in the driver, because you have to mix in your driver config knobs that might affect frontend shader compiles to the build id.
<alyssa> hrumble
<karolherbst> alyssa: that's just the metadata we add to cached entries internally
<karolherbst> alyssa: steam makes use of those
<anholt> with the screen stuff hooked up, mesa/st gets to cache the output of the frontend compiler->nir path.
* alyssa reads the reference implementation (v3d_disk_cache)
<karolherbst> yeah.. first step is just initing the cache and configure a proper hash key thingy
<karolherbst> alyssa: very very high level overview is.. store your compiler result in an uint8_t array and have a function doing the reverse :)
<anholt> alyssa: sp-disk-cache of my tree has a trivial version of doing it.
<jekstrand> Hrm... The pandecode.dump for all three of my compute dispatches has the same Push uniforms pointer. That seems a bit fishy.
<jekstrand> I would expect there to be a bit of ring buffering going on
<alyssa> anholt: karolherbst: ack, thank you
<alyssa> jekstrand: no ring buffer, all transient memory (ie. allocated off the batch) is freed when the batch is freed
<alyssa> and then the BO is returned to the BO cache
<jekstrand> alyssa: So I may just be getting the same BO over and over again?
<jekstrand> Hrm...
<alyssa> and compute jobs get put in their own batch right now for simplicity (this could be optimized)
<karolherbst> what I and Mark have done for nouveau was to 1. split structs into input and outputs ones, 2. write a hash functions for the input 3. write serialize/deserialize 4. hook it up
<alyssa> yes, if you're submitting the same stuff over and over
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<jekstrand> alyssa: Ok, that makes sense then.
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<karolherbst> mhhh
<karolherbst> that's ehhh.
<karolherbst> wait..
<alyssa> yes, this means that there are false deps between batches.
<jekstrand> woo
<alyssa> might be leaving some perf on the table. don't know.
<karolherbst> yeah I guess that can break rusticl then :)
<karolherbst> jekstrand: I could imagine that calls to create_compute_state could overwrite the content of the bo without the hardware executes stuff, no?
<karolherbst> but mhh
<karolherbst> yeah I guess this can happen if there is no sync point in between
<karolherbst> jekstrand: you could try a ctx.flush().wait(); after launch_grid and see if that changes anything?
<alyssa> shouldn't happen, it's serialized in the kernel
<alyssa> there is a flush after lunch grid in panfrost
<karolherbst> yeah.. but I also unbind the entire state directly after launch_grid...
<jekstrand> PAN_MESA_DEBUG=sync seems to make the fails go away
<karolherbst> so wait might be important
<karolherbst> I copied clover design here, which I still don't like :)
<alyssa> jekstrand: That's... odd.
<jekstrand> I'm starting to think our clEnqueueReadBuffer is racing with the kernel
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<alyssa> Plausible
<alyssa> depending on what transfer flags you use, gallium can optimize away your correctness ;)
<karolherbst> MAP_READ_WRITE
<jekstrand> pan_set_global_binding is calling panfrost_batch_write_rsrc so it should be getting a write fence set on it in the kernel ioctl
<jekstrand> Let me double-check that
<karolherbst> at some point I will optimize setting all those flags :)
<alyssa> karolherbst: sync? unsync? etc
<karolherbst> potentially PIPE_MAP_UNSYNCHRONIZED on non blocking maps
<karolherbst> but we do flush and wait later
<karolherbst> but clEnqueueReadBuffer is synced
<karolherbst> so it's just READ_WRITE
<alyssa> ok..
<karolherbst> should be just READ really, but...
<karolherbst> I don't fight those bugs yet
<karolherbst> *want to
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<karolherbst> " SPIRV-Headers was not found - please checkout a copy under external/." I already don't want to :D
<jekstrand> karolherbst: What are you building now?
<karolherbst> spirv-tools
<karolherbst> the linker is buggy :(
<jekstrand> :(
<karolherbst> yeah...
<karolherbst> I thought we could work around it in mesa, but... it's complicated
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<karolherbst> " error: ‘spvValidate’ is not a member of ‘spvtools’; did you mean ‘spvValidate’?"
<karolherbst> it tries to tell me I shouldn't use the namespace thingy
<jekstrand> Ugh... Why don't GDB watchpoints work on this box?!?
<jekstrand> Or maybe they do and they're just that slow? idk.
<karolherbst> watchpoints are this kind of thing I set 5 times until I set them correctly
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<karolherbst> but yeah
<karolherbst> watchpoints make things slow :)
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<jekstrand> someone is removing BOs from my batch
<jekstrand> I think that's why it's failing
<karolherbst> jekstrand: did you try flush().wait() after launch_grid and/or disable unbinding all the stuff?
<jekstrand> karolherbst: unbinding doesn't matter
<karolherbst> I hope you are right :)
<jekstrand> karolherbst: set_global_binding with resources == NULL is a no-op on panfrost
<karolherbst> ahh
<alyssa> would BOs get removed from a batch
<jekstrand> idk
<jekstrand> I tried to set a watchpoint on batch->num_bos but GDB hates me
<alyssa> there's no api for that, for good reason
<karolherbst> jekstrand: watch -l &batch->num_bos ?
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<karolherbst> (at least I think this is the correct way of using watch)
<jekstrand> karolherbst: Yeah, I tried that. GDB hates me. :P
<karolherbst> annyoing
<karolherbst> maybe it doesn't get written
<karolherbst> ahh check_interface_variable :)
<jekstrand> Found it!
<karolherbst> there it is
<karolherbst> jekstrand: \o/
<karolherbst> so, is it my fault or someone elses?
<jekstrand> Someone else
<karolherbst> yes
<alyssa> Is the someone else me
<jekstrand> Maybe
<alyssa> Shoot
<jekstrand> The someone else is whoever hooked up set_global_binding
<alyssa> Yeah that sounds like me
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<alyssa> git blame says Icecream95 actually, but I'll take the blame anyway if you want :p
<jekstrand> karolherbst: What's the cap for max global bindings?
<karolherbst> uhhh, there is one?
<alyssa> + /* The handle points to uint32_t, but space is allocated for 64 bits */
<alyssa> does rusticl not emulate that particular clover quirk? :p
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<karolherbst> alyssa: i do the same
<alyssa> ack
<karolherbst> but it doesn't support subbuffers :p
<jekstrand> alyssa: It'll be obvious as soon as I send the patch. :)
<karolherbst> jekstrand: btw, you might want to wire in support for sub buffers
<alyssa> jekstrand: :D
<karolherbst> jekstrand: that's the kind of terrible interface set_global_bindings is:
<karolherbst> for subbuffers I have to offset with the offset.. obviously
<jekstrand> karolherbst: I don't understand what that does
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<jekstrand> karolherbst: Is the handle an input also?
<karolherbst> jekstrand: reads out handles, adds the resource address, writes it back
<karolherbst> yes....
<jekstrand> Oh, that's truly horrible
<karolherbst> it is
<karolherbst> but it's required for subbuffers
<karolherbst> that was the reason those tests failed ...
<karolherbst> there isn't really a better way of doing it except fixing up the offset inside rusticl
<karolherbst> but clover adds the offset this way
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<karolherbst> I wouldn't mind replacing it with something new :)
<karolherbst> or maybe we also change what clover is doing...
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<h0tc0d3> Does anyone know why the release schedule is not working?
<h0tc0d3> The plan was to have a corrective release of 22.0.2, but there is none.
<airlied> I think dcbaker is working on it at present
* jekstrand kicks off a new full CTS run on panfrost
<jekstrand> This one should be much less full of random fail
<h0tc0d3> The 2 week release schedule hasn't been working for over a month now.
* jekstrand goes to find a nap while he waits for his panfrost CTS run. It'll probably take an hour or mor.
<karolherbst> my name shows up more often than I'd like to in those spirv repos :D
<karolherbst> at least now I have a plan on fixing this linker bug
<jekstrand> karolherbst: \o/
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<alyssa> jekstrand: what we had before was more of a set_local_binding? :p
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<airlied> robclark: oh also in case you are wondering, agd5f PR also just say Fixes but provide a list in the signed tag
<airlied> I'm also happy with that :-)
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<robclark> airlied: I guess I should figure out how to do the signed tag thing
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<karolherbst> I was so close to reimplement that stuff, but then I saw that this pass doesn't remove, but just recalcluates
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* karolherbst kicks of another run
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<jekstrand> Pass 1364 Fails 346 Crashes 466 Timeouts 0
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<karolherbst> jekstrand: that's not too bad
<karolherbst> meanwhile: Pass 2137 Fails 22 Crashes 17 Timeouts 0 :3
<karolherbst> jekstrand: the list becomes very short
<karolherbst> jekstrand: what's the biggest problem with panfrost though?
<karolherbst> anything standing out or just random stuff all over the place
<alyssa> broken compiler stuff I would wager? lot of code paths not previously exercised
<jekstrand> alyssa: Yeah, just made it lower 8-bit integers
<jekstrand> Something's wrong with vec3
<karolherbst> vec3?
<jekstrand> Error for vector size 3 found at 0x00000001: *0x01 vs 0x00
<jekstrand> Input value: 0x01 (convert_char3( char3 )) *** convert_charn( charn ) FAILED **
<karolherbst> I thought we lower that
<karolherbst> ehh
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<karolherbst> jekstrand: btw, did you figure out why clamping is broken?
<jekstrand> karolherbst: Nope
<jekstrand> Those tests are evil
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<karolherbst> yeah...
<jenatali> Yep
<karolherbst> jenatali: I will figure out the divide fails btw
<karolherbst> eh
<karolherbst> jekstrand: ^^
<karolherbst> jenatali: btw.. I think you could move to CL 3.0 by now :D
<jenatali> With LLVM 14 or 15, right?
<karolherbst> I have a fix for that linking issue
<karolherbst> but yeah.. it might require newer llvm as well
<jenatali> Yeah. I'll get around to it... eventually...
<jenatali> I hope
<karolherbst> I don't think it's much work tbh
<jenatali> Yeah but it's still a big context switch from my current priorities
<karolherbst> just some new APIs, but nothing really new
<karolherbst> I see
<jenatali> I've implemented CL3.0, but only exposing CL C 1.2
<jenatali> So the APIs are done
<alyssa> rusticl dx12 when
<karolherbst> alyssa: I was already wondering if I should push it through zink
* karolherbst hides
<jenatali> It's not out of the question
<alyssa> jenatali: The question was for jekstrand, unless you said yes ;-p
<jenatali> Just, I don't have nearly enough time in the day, and my personal time for this kind of stuff has completely evaporated
<karolherbst> but I don't think it would be a very good fit tbh
<karolherbst> it's so gallium specific
<jekstrand> TBH, once you've got the Mesa compiler, gallium doesn't buy you that much
<jenatali> ^^
<karolherbst> sure
<karolherbst> but most of the code isn't interfacing with the mesa compiler
<jenatali> The CL API surface area is so tiny compared to the compiler infrastructure
<karolherbst> yeah
<karolherbst> but what I meant is, if rusticl would run on dx12, we'd essentially would write it from scratch as most things would have to change...
<karolherbst> maybe the api validation could stay
* karolherbst steals scale_fdiv
<jenatali> Oh I assumed alyssa meant on the d3d12 gallium backend. I don't see any point giving rusticl a direct DX12 backend
<karolherbst> jenatali: how do you want to implement set_global_bindings
<karolherbst> I am not doing globals to ssbo lowering
<jenatali> Yeah I'd want them as ssbos
<karolherbst> I guess we would have to take some of the passes from src/microsoft and have some flips
<karolherbst> maybe that could work, but...
<jenatali> Yeah. Or else move stuff from the frontend into the backend
<jenatali> But doesn't seem worth it. We're happy with our frontend for now
<karolherbst> yeah, and I don't want to bother backends with random stuff
<karolherbst> basing it on top of zink on the other hand....
<alyssa> jenatali: That is what I meant yes
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<karolherbst> I see we'd need some vulkan extensions
<jenatali> karolherbst: I assume zink would also want it lowered to ssbo
<karolherbst> but honestly.. we could just allow kernel spir-vs, do the 64 bit buffer stuff and that would be it
<jenatali> Or I guess you could do it with the BDA extensions
<karolherbst> or new extensions
<karolherbst> just push in the spir-v kernels
<jenatali> But also then you're just rewriting clspv :)
<jenatali> Er, clvk?
<karolherbst> I wouldn't
<alyssa> consonants sure do
<karolherbst> their idea was to not fix vulkan
<jekstrand> Yeah, you'd just emit a pile of bda
<karolherbst> ohh, so bdas are good enough for CL buffers?
<jenatali> "Fix..." their idea was to fix CL by making it work on Vulkan :)
<karolherbst> :D
<karolherbst> yeah well
<karolherbst> does anybody use it?
<jekstrand> anybody use what?
<karolherbst> clvk
<jenatali> CL's already pretty niche I feel like. I know they had a target use for clvk but I don't remember what it is. And I doubt they have many more customers
<jekstrand> I don't know about clvk but there's at least one major app doing serious compute work shipping on clspv
<karolherbst> honestly.. I think using zink is probably the best option here and just add a new extension for spirv kernels
<karolherbst> ahh
<karolherbst> jekstrand: but clspv is just kernel spirv to vulkan spirv, right?
<jenatali> Pretty much
<jekstrand> yup
<karolherbst> yeah I guess if that fits your use case
<karolherbst> anyway, I don't have any plans wiht rusticl anyway, I just wanted to learn rust :D
* jekstrand wants Mesa to have a competent compute story
* jekstrand still isn't quite sure what story that will be
<karolherbst> yeah...
<karolherbst> I think a CL stack at least as good as intels or AMDs would be a good starting point
<karolherbst> (making it pointless to their install theirs that is)
<jekstrand> alyssa: What splits vec3 loads/stores into scalar?
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<jekstrand> Maybe LLVM is doing that?
<jekstrand> that's believable
<karolherbst> mhh
<karolherbst> scale_fdiv doesn't fix ERROR: divide: -16777216.000000 ulp error at {-0x1.fffffep+127, -0x1.fffffep+127}: *0x1p+0 vs. 0x0p+0 (0x00000000) at index: 198 :(
<karolherbst> but that's a subnormal, isn't it?
<jekstrand> I think that's just 1 vs 0
<karolherbst> yeah, but the inputs
<karolherbst> -0x1.fffffep+127 / -0x1.fffffep+127
<jekstrand> We may need to use the actual fdiv opcode
<karolherbst> ohh, you don't?
<jekstrand> Nope
<jekstrand> We don't for GL
<karolherbst> how can I flip it?
<jekstrand> We do mul+rcp
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<karolherbst> ahh
<jenatali> karolherbst: We don't support denormals, we always flush them
<karolherbst> yeah, that won't work
<jekstrand> It'll require some compiler work.
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<karolherbst> okay
<jekstrand> Not too much but more than zero
<karolherbst> right
<karolherbst> yeah, we want real fdiv for CL :)
<jekstrand> We don't for GL because you can often CSE the RCP
<karolherbst> now what's up with "mem_host_flags mem_host_write_only_image"
<karolherbst> sure
<karolherbst> and a real fdiv is slow
<jekstrand> idk that it's that much slower than rcp
<jekstrand> But it's slower than fmul
<jekstrand> By a lot
<karolherbst> yeah
<karolherbst> not that luxmark perf tanks when we start using it :D
* jekstrand hates this kernel
<jekstrand> llvm turns a very simple char3 load/store into a giant pile of garbage
<karolherbst> classic llvm
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<karolherbst> why though?
<jekstrand> idk
<jekstrand> Why does LLVM do anything it does?!?
<karolherbst> maybe it's not aligned
<karolherbst> because llvm is a smart compiler always doing the right thing, everybody knows that
<karolherbst> ehhh the remaining fails are painful
<jekstrand> Yeah, LLVM is definitely checking for alignment and emitting 64-bit load/store if it can.
<karolherbst> can we disable that?
<jekstrand> I think it decided this test was some poor soul's hand-rolled memcpy. :joy:
<karolherbst> basically I just want llvm to give us the plain thing, no idiotic postprocessing :D
<karolherbst> lol
<karolherbst> we do pass -O0 into llvm
<jekstrand> Maybe we need to pass -O-0?
<jekstrand> In any case, panfrost should be able to compile this even if it is stupid
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<karolherbst> I still don't want llvm to do silly things :D
* jekstrand views that as inevitable
<karolherbst> jekstrand: which test is it btw?
<jekstrand> test_conversions char_char
<jekstrand> char3 case, to be particular
<karolherbst> what the...
<jekstrand> int_int also fails
<jekstrand> So it's not an 8-bit problem
<karolherbst> ahh no
<karolherbst> it's not llvm
<karolherbst> it's the CTS
<jekstrand> wha?
<karolherbst> the CTS special cased vec3 and uses vloadn
<jekstrand> Of course it did...
<jekstrand> So it's probably a vloadn problem
<karolherbst> potentially
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<karolherbst> vloadn doesn't guarentee alignment
* jekstrand looks at vloadn
<jekstrand> right
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<karolherbst> well besides what the base type needs
<jekstrand> Do we implement vloadn ourselves or use libclc?
<jekstrand> we do it ourselves
<karolherbst> yeah
<karolherbst> not sure if libclc has an impl
<jekstrand> it appears to
<jekstrand> Ugh... Yeah, this is all in the CTS test
<jekstrand> Ok, this makes a lot more sense
<jekstrand> ironically, bifrost seems to have load/store_i24 opcodes. :-/
<jekstrand> I wonder if get_global_size is just wrong
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<karolherbst> jekstrand: ohh so you include bound checks?
<karolherbst> eh wait
<karolherbst> get_global_size is this CL thing :D
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<karolherbst> soo.. why is api clone_kernel crashing...
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<karolherbst> jekstrand: I can't use nir_opt_dead_write_vars before inlining, can I?
<karolherbst> it asserts on vec1 64 ssa_5 = deref_var &copy_in (function_temp struct.structArg)
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<karolherbst> ehh intrinsic copy_deref (ssa_5, ssa_4) (dst_access=0, src_access=0)
<karolherbst> wait, it's not inlining, but I have to split
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