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<llyyr> does anyone know what DCN X.XX mean in the drm/amd? I'm trying to bisect an issue so it'd be helpful to know what DCN3 and DCN3.1 refer to
<emersion> display core next
<llyyr> thanks
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<DottorLeo> hi!
<DottorLeo> karolherbst: did you check FluidX3D with rusticl? It seems a nice OpenCL app to test the cards :)
<karolherbst> uhh, fancy
<karolherbst> is it packaged anywhere?
<karolherbst> the license is a little.. mhh custom?
<DottorLeo> phoronix has a test profile but on the github there are the downloads also for linux for fp16 and 32
<psykose> it's not open source no
<DottorLeo> yeah, i think it's free and open to use unless commercial
<karolherbst> psykose: well... it's open source, but I suspect it's not GPL compatible
<DottorLeo> karolherbst: can't you use it personally only to test rusticl?
<psykose> it's not either
<karolherbst> it's basically like MIT I think, just disallows military and commercial use
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<karolherbst> ahh yeah.. looks like MIT was the template for this license
<DottorLeo> there are already some numbers from amd/intel/nvidia to test rusticl against :D
<karolherbst> huh, where? :D
<DottorLeo> go down on github paghe
<DottorLeo> page
<karolherbst> ohh
<karolherbst> I thought you meant tests running rusticl :D
<karolherbst> but yeah.. I might look into it and see if it runs, but it should if it's just CL 1.2
<karolherbst> should just work (tm)
<DottorLeo> oh no ^^" sorry, but i think it's useful because it uses both FP16/32 mixed and FP32
<DottorLeo> and it's quite taxing as simulation :D
<karolherbst> yeah.. fp16 is atm not supported, because of.... reasons
<karolherbst> are there examples/demos one can use?
<DottorLeo> it's not experimental??
<karolherbst> it's broken, but people are free to enable it
<karolherbst> I think it should be fine if you don't use any of the OpenCL builtins with fp16 types
<DottorLeo>, here is the benchmark issue
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<karolherbst> I want to see stuff though :D
<karolherbst> forget the benchmark, I want to see the simulation
<karolherbst> I wonder if with rusticl it's faster than ROCm...
<karolherbst> I think I have one of the GPUs listed there
<DottorLeo> karolherbst: i asked you in the past that in theory rusticl can use simultaneous different gpus, right?
<DottorLeo> lets say nvidia+amd+igpu intel
<karolherbst> yeah... though I think the memory model is a bit broken on this
<karolherbst> not sure, but it e.g. worked with luxmark just fine
<karolherbst> so if you see any issues there feel free to report it
<DottorLeo> so that software could use ALL the computing units from a PC, CPU+all the gpus? :D
<karolherbst> yeah
<karolherbst> just
<karolherbst> llvmpipe is slower than pocl :D
<karolherbst> it got better, but there are still some issues left to resolve
<karolherbst> llvmpipe is really bad at utilizing the CPU
<DottorLeo> wow you know that when rusticl will be conformant on all the platforms it will be seen as the second reborn of OpenCL? :D
<karolherbst> maybe?
<karolherbst> my goal is just to make _some_ compute API available to the linux desktop
<karolherbst> as in: people can rely on it being functional
<karolherbst> at this point, only Nvidias and Intels stack is what I'd consider somewhat functional
<DottorLeo> it's interesting why the author of FLuidX3D used OpenCL instead of only CUDA, not only just for the multivendor support. He says that if done right, openCL on Nvidia is as good as CUDA
<karolherbst> yeah, it is
<karolherbst> most code is just bad
<karolherbst> and most runtimes are
<karolherbst> nvidia's CL impl is really the best so far
<karolherbst> but they also have the compiler to back it up
<karolherbst> I mean.. there are computational heavy benchmarks where rusticl outperforms ROCm by 20%
<karolherbst> it's a bit disappointing to be honest
<DottorLeo> why?
<karolherbst> I expected a serious business company like AMD would put more effort into this
<penguin42> but there again I've got kernels where ROCm wins for me; so shrug
<DottorLeo> Maybe rusticl will be used on some GPU computation farms instead of ROCM, i think that for the final client doesn't matter, only the speed and correctness matter :)
<karolherbst> penguin42: yeah.. but rusticl isn't optimized at all
<DottorLeo> did you tried it with blender?
<karolherbst> blender dropped CL
<karolherbst> so.. it's either CUDA or HIP
<karolherbst> there is a HIP on CL implementation, but it's not ready for blender
<DottorLeo> yeah, sorry the HIP implementation
<karolherbst> but rusticl also still has huge issues so it's still gonna take a while
<DottorLeo> and the SyCL from intel?
<karolherbst> it's progressing
<karolherbst> the issue with SyCL from intel is, that they produce invalid spir-v
<karolherbst> a lot
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<DottorLeo> karolherbst: one last thing, when you merged the Optional image support, it also enables it on r600? it was one of the missing things on clover for that cards
<karolherbst> ohh, images were supported since day 1
<karolherbst> the optional stuff are just more formats
<DottorLeo> yes but when you merge a feature, it is enabled for all the supported platforms that uses rusticl? Sorry, i'm trying to understand how it works when you add new stuff to rusticl :)
<karolherbst> yeah
<karolherbst> sometimes there are driver bits to it
<karolherbst> but we try to be accurate in the features.txt file
<karolherbst> also
<DottorLeo> because @gerddie said on the MR request for r600 that images support was missing
<karolherbst> doesn't list r600 yet, because it's broken
<karolherbst> ehh.. should be fine
<karolherbst> there is a bit missing for r600, I just don't have the hardware to test it
<penguin42> karolherbst: If you need a test run on r600 I can do that for you, this <--- laptop has oene
<DottorLeo> i should have an old 5450 (cedar) to test it :D
<DottorLeo> @illwieckz has probably all the R600 cards :D
<DottorLeo> it's impressive
<penguin42> 'AMD Thames [Radeon HD 7550M/7570M/7650M]'
<karolherbst> amazing.. Intel's CL stack ooms my system
<penguin42> (Very oddly configured HP Elitebook I found in a 2nd hand shop; nice i7, 8G RAM, Radeon, every interface you can imagine, and a shit 1366x768 display...]
<karolherbst> hashcat MD5 test: Intel: Speed.#1.........: 231.4 MH/s (1.53ms) @ Accel:16 Loops:16 Thr:64 Vec:1
<karolherbst> rusticl: Speed.#1.........: 2002.3 GH/s (0.00ms) @ Accel:2048 Loops:1024 Thr:32 Vec:1
<karolherbst> hashcat benchmarks in the most silly way though
<karolherbst> so whatever
<karolherbst> penguin42: yeah.. so somebody needs to implement the `get_compute_info` hook
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* penguin42 tries to get himself past his existing patches first
<karolherbst> the key to the compute info stuff is really calculating how many threads can be launched
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<penguin42> karolherbst: Nora is asking for 'Btw, please add the CL_PLATFORM_HOST_TIMER_RESOLUTION and CL_PLATFORM_HOST_TIMER_RESOLUTION device info queries in api/' aren't they in query?
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<karolherbst> yeah looks like CL_PLATFORM_HOST_TIMER_RESOLUTION is indeed a platform query
<penguin42> ah yes Nora confirmed that
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<karolherbst> jenatali: sooo.. I looked a bit into what LLVM passes actually help: EarlyCSEPass roughly 10% cut in spir-v size, MergeFunctions roughly a 50% cut in spir-v size. 10% cut is great, so enabling EarlyCSE is probably what we should do. However, MergeFunctions can generate function pointers and the translater only allows us to use it with SPV_INTEL_function_pointers
<karolherbst> but 50% in reduction is kinda neat... but a lot of LLVM passes are just generating random stuff we can't handle, so maybe it's better to really rely on spirv-opt here instead :/
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<jenatali> I don't know that I see much point in running spirv-opt, vtn is pretty lightweight I feel like
<karolherbst> it's more about reducing the size of the spir-v
<karolherbst> like.. hashcat generates a 7MB spirv by default
<karolherbst> for one hash function
<karolherbst> but smaller spirv also means less time spend in clc_parse_spirv, which.. kinda makes up a huge amount of CPU overhead at that size
<karolherbst> but smaller spirv also helps with the disk cache and evertyhing
<karolherbst> and I also suspect the compilation to be quicker the earlier we drop massive amount of code
<karolherbst> but anyway...
<karolherbst> would be cool to just be able to use MergeFunctions on the LLVM IR level
<karolherbst> but... it generates function pointers :(
<karolherbst> sometimes
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<karolherbst> another problem is, that linking spirvs isn't cheap either :/ and even with a single spirv file we kinda have to do it, because... random nonsense
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<karolherbst> mhh GVN seems to also help a lot, nice
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<DemiMarie> Is the compilation happening ahead of time or at runtime? If the latter, could LLVM IR be translated directly to NIR, without going through SPIR-V?
<karolherbst> no
<karolherbst> the point is to use spirv
<DemiMarie> Ah
<DemiMarie> sorry, I was missing some context
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