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<daniels> mareko: no single-core CPUs are attached to GPUs
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<DemiMarie> daniels: are there systems with multi-core CPUs where OpenGL gets a very small fraction of CPU time because the other cores are all busy with other tasks?
<daniels> maybe, but I don’t know of why it would be relevant
<HdkR> Definitely. I've seen some Unity OpenGL games hammer my poor little eight core ARM device with its own threads, leaving GL with little room to work :D
<HdkR> But doesn't really matter
<dcbaker> karolherbst: could you open an issue about it? There’s a few other people doing rust with meson these days who are pretty active in fixing those kinds of issues
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<mareko> making glthread the default would be quite an undertaking given that it currently requires thread-safe Xlib and DRI3 if X is used
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<DemiMarie> <mareko> "making glthread the default..." <- Shouldn’t those be givens? Nouveau DDX doesn’t work with it, but what about the modesetting DDX?
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<karolherbst> dcbaker: I wanted to write a test/example to trigger the issue before doing so
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<melodyauthor> testings have taken longer , but have turned out to be successful. I hope those fluctuations of my mind no longer take presence. I am sometimes recovering from partying or sleepless nights, and can not remember as to what i typed or where i left off, depression aid. But it looks that i am soon over the line, but would have millions of things yet to do, maybe the lat motivation to get my
<melodyauthor> life in order, such things planned are better off to be done in the sharpest mode, as to like no alcohol or weed or drugs, all which are actually somewhat benefical when things go so dirty as my life has been.
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<melodyauthor> but i am getting help from community which is fun that portuguese are working hard for an example, russians, norwegians known heros etc. so it's in minimal frames already achieved, but we can go into more and more , linux is so big.
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