(ignore gistfile 1 to 3, that gist is where I'm keeping historic performance data etc)
it seems like the application has no idea the compilation failed either
JohnnyonFlame: is a known issue
alrite, thank you
too many shader instructions
btw. there is an alternative nir based compiler: ETNA_MESA_DEBUG=nir
I tried enabling it, but ETNA_MESA_DEBUG seems to not be doing anything here- I'm not sure how to check it
IIRC that flag is by default enabled here due to a system flag, let me reboot to check
gcw0:~ $ echo $ETNA_MESA_DEBUG
running the application with $ LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH=$(pwd) ./glmark2 --data-path=. -bterrain still results in the same error messages
running "OpenGL ES 2.0 Mesa 20.1.1 (git-1602ffbdb0)"
run with ETNA_MESA_DEBUG=''
for TGSI
pcercuei: I set compiler_msgs,linker_msgs on that run
so that should've disabled nir
iirc I did export ETNA_MESA_DEBUG='' at one point due to frustration
> Creating 4.0 filesystem on /content/buildroot-gcw0/output/gcw0/images/rootfs.squashfs, block size 131072.
sorry wrong channel
tlwoerner has quit [Quit: Leaving]
terrain scene isn't going to work on pre-GC3000, there's just not enough room for the shader (and NIR backend isn't good enough to make a small enough shader.. maybe if it was perfect it could, IIRC it was close)
What's the max number of instructions?
With GC3000 and newer it's "unlimited"
How can it be unlimited?
it has a MMU? :D
Well, not really unlimited but a lot.
And yes, the GPU has an MMU and starting with the GC3000 it's a improved MMU design which supports PPA (per process address space.)
Actually, according to NXP, the GC3000 supports "1 Million shader instructions (with I-Cache) per shader type"
That's a lot
So the 512 instructions on older GCs is a hard limit?