austriancoder changed the topic of #etnaviv to: #etnaviv - the home of the reverse-engineered Vivante GPU driver - Logs
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<dos1> one of the comments under that ticket reminded me that there's a VR mode in neverball
<dos1> so I found an old cardboard VR in a drawer and now I'm playing it this way with etnaviv on Librem 5 :D
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<marex> dos1: does the rendering of the "stars" work in that mode ? it's I think using gles2, right ?
<dos1> that's still regular GL
<dos1> and no, still no stars
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<pcercuei> my Vivante chip does not work with etnaviv :(
<pcercuei> it's a GC200 :p
<wumpus> heh GC200 is a 2D core, etnaviv only works for the 3D cores
<pcercuei> What can it do?
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<marex> wumpus: wasnt there some x11 driver which used the 2d core too ?
<austriancoder> the armada one
<marex> austriancoder: maybe that can be used
<marex> austriancoder: btw re those neverball stars, I am still digging
<marex> austriancoder: the glTexCoordPointer was a red herring
<marex> austriancoder: but I dont quite understand why there would be a shader where VS doesn't have TEX output for PS input
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<pcercuei> marex: I guess it could be used, the question is, what for :)
<marex> pcercuei: how should I know, the HW is yours :)
<pcercuei> I don't even know what it can do
<pcercuei> I guess alpha blending and blitting
<pcercuei> it'd be interesting if it had a pixel shader, but I doubt it
<marex> pcercuei: it does not
<pcercuei> What does it offer then? Do you know?
<marex> pcercuei: fixed function pipeline, blit/fill/etc
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