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<marex> mntmn: I think wumpus once mentioned that there is something about gles1 textures
<mntmn> marex: hmm not sure if i've ever seen gles1 stuff
<marex> mntmn: neverball is gles1 ;-)
<mntmn> omg
<mntmn> ook
<mntmn> i expected it to be just desktop GL
<marex> mntmn: depends on how you configure it
<mntmn> ah, i did not configure it at all
<marex> heh
<mntmn> marex: hmm in the graphics options there's no GL version to select... config file or sth?
<marex> mntmn: git grep GLES
<marex> mntmn: you can pick between desktop gl and gles
<mntmn> marex: ah i don't even have the source atm, i just tried the debian pkg
<marex> mntmn: thats desktop gl indeed
<mntmn> yeah
<mntmn> i just got distracted by the game itself and played a few levels
<mntmn> i've a feeling that the frame rate was better at some point in the past, but this is not very scientific
<mntmn> btw is mesa release build faster than debugoptimized?
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<marex> mntmn: it could have to do with the extra locking
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<marex> dos1: ^
<mntmn> marex: i can't run neverball on tgsi
<mntmn> marex: it just paints garbage on the screen
<marex> mntmn: I think nir is still broken, but you can try too
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<marex> seems glTexCoord and glPointCoord are very similar
<marex> so the handling will also be similar
<marex> except one is varying PNTC and the other TEX*
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