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<MoeIcenowy> my code to run GC620 (unfortunately it's based on the downstream kernel
<MoeIcenowy> the mainline th1520 support still lacks clock tree driver
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<tomeu> I'm seeing substantial flakiness after having implemented a cache in my test suite that means that jobs are submitted much faster to the NPU
<tomeu> this flakiness increases as I increase parallelism in deqp-runner
* austriancoder seeing also some flakiness in CI .. but had not the time yet to really have a look at it
<tomeu> has anybody else noticed this? wonder how often people have more than one job queued in the kernel
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<tomeu> hmm, guess that with deqp, the HW is quite idle as the tests first sw render to have something to compare the HW results with
<tomeu> there was some thoughts on caching the deqp golden renders, but I don't know if anybody started working on that
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<tomeu> ok, seems to be correlated to jobs submitted in quick succession, as it doesn't happen right after boot or after dropping the fs caches
<tomeu> as the cache is on NFS along with the rest of the rootfs, I guess having to access the cache via the network serializes things enough to not hit the bug
<tomeu> so "echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches" before running deqp-runner gives me reliable runs
<tomeu> this is on 5.17, btw
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