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<tomeu> f_: cool, what are you hacking on?
<f_> tomeu: Reversing Amlogic's BL2 binary
<f_> librecomputer also happens to be somewhat excited at this
<tomeu> ah, cool
<tomeu> guess it is because otherwise it is a pain to build your own u-boot images?
<f_> not the reason why, but rather because..well..they're proprietary :)
<tomeu> yeah, I can imagine
<tomeu> so well, if you get bored any time soon, I could use a hand or two reverse engineering this NPU :)
<f_> Successfully booted S905 (Videostrong KII Pro) and S905X (lepotato)
<f_> although the S905 board I have suffers from various deadlocks when booted from U-Boot SPL instead of BL2
<f_> (regression though)
<tomeu> and, what about the keys though, isn't it all signed?
<f_> Only if amlogic secure boot is enabled, which is not the case on the TV box I'm hacking on, and definitely not the case on all librecomputer boards.
<f_> Most amlogic-based SBCs I saw also didn't have it enabled.
<f_> but I mostly only used librecomputer boards for.....some reason ;)
<f_> (except my BPI-CM4 which got donated by mntirc )
<f_> BTW I saw you on libera #linux-amlogic before but you're not there anymore.
<f_> Anyway with it disabled you can pretty much run any binary you want, as BL2
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