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<mntirc> austriancoder: on imx8mp, if you go to a youtube video on chromium, do the playback controls/icons look normal for you? for me they don't
<mntirc> MSAA was not enabled by default yet, right?
<austriancoder> mntirc: msaa is an opt-in
<mntirc> ok thx
<mntirc> (just wondering because we had a similar looking problem with SVGs once where it was because of MSAA)
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<frieder> Hi, what possibilities are there to fix:
<frieder> weston[908]: MESA: error: etna_draw_vbo:341: compiled shaders are not okay
<frieder> weston[908]: error: compile failed!
<frieder> This is on an i.MX8MM with kernel 6.1 and Mesa 22.0.3.
<austriancoder> frieder: the error tells that one or more shader failed to compile
<austriancoder> frieder: is this any open application that you tried?
<frieder> austriancoder: It's from a customer's application. Apparently it uses Java and XWayland. That's pretty much all I know so far.
<frieder> It happens only when elements are rendered with anti-aliasing enabled.
<austriancoder> frieder: if you are allowed an apitrace would helpful .. or the used glsl shaders via
<austriancoder> if not you can play with these two env variables: ETNA_MESA_DEBUG=compiler_msgs,linker_msgs and NIR_DEBUG=print to pin-point the bad shader.
<frieder> austriancoder: Ok, thanks a lot for the pointers. I'll see what I can do.
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