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hi, I made a mistake, I pressed the [Rebase without pipeline] button in, the CI didn;t run and now gitlab remove the [Merge] button - Clicking [Run pipeline] fails, so I tried to force push to Emil's branch (in the hope that it would trigger a pipeline) but that does nothing - How can I fix this?
(all that in good faith, I thought not runnign the pipeline for a simple doc issue would save some energy somewhere!)
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you could "git commit --amend" and then git push, that will make it look like it changed
maybe running a pipeline manually also works
how can I trigger a pipeline manually?
you go to the 'Pipelines' tab and then click 'run pipeline'
If I click [Run pipeline] there is a cryptic error message stating that "An error has occured trying to run a new pipeline for this merge request"
you probably need to also resolve open discussions before a merge is possible
maybe you need developer permissions for that, not sure, sorry :)
I am manintainer
ah, then I don't know
alanc: gitlab themselves have some quite good docs?
thanks for trying to help anyway!
ofourdan: so you can create a new pipeline for a given ref through the CI tab, but then it will just be created for the ref rather than as an MR pipeline
at a guess, you'd probably have to rebase yourself (with --no-ff) and push
yeah, I think I'll have to push indeed
but taht creates a merge commit
(so ftr, that [Rebase without pipeline] button is a little troublemaker, I'll try to remember to never use it again :) )
if you don't want a merge commit, go to settings -> general -> merge request settings, and change to ff rather than merge
that's fine, there are merge commits in the past
I merged it manually
I mean pushed
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ofourdan: seems like a bug that GitLab offers the "Rebase without pipeline" button for projects which require the CI pipeline to pass before merging
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one of the two windows runners is being updated
and thus temporarily out of service :)
windows runners, interesting; how does licensing them work?
that's what was preventing me setting up some windows runners of my own (the idea I had is to provision a up-to-date snapshot weekly and then boot from the snapshots for running actual jobs, which further complicates it)
Arsen: for the shared runners, Microsoft sponsors our licenses
ah, fair
These are running docker on Windows fwiw
docker can run windows?
both runners are online again, backlog should drop
Arsen for better or worse
I didn't know that, interesting
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alatiera: thanks!
alatiera: I don't know what your schedule is like, but use is definitely lightest in European morning, peaking a bit after lunch, sustained through to dinner time, then dropping off until about midnight
so if you can do updates around European breakfast, that's by far the least invasive
daniels yea that's what I usually aim for, did all the rest of the runners on saturday
I queued a disk trim that took way longer than expected
fair enough :)
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