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<jenneron[m]> deathmist1: I would prefer stable in pmaports
<deathmist1> v6.1.1 then :p
<deathmist1> gonna be the next LTS as well
<jenneron[m]> does it need much rebase work?
<deathmist1> there's a lot of patches with some having quite big diffs :/
<jenneron[m]> I still don't have a mt8183 device to test things
<jenneron[m]> deathmist1: I see
<deathmist1> jenneron: arguably stable makes sense when it's no longer in testing category, for now though I'd like to see latest stuff and us dropping patches as much as possible :p
<jenneron[m]> well, I want these devices in community for the next release
<jenneron[m]> but we can upgrade to one release candidate and then to stable
<jenneron[m]> or we can just continue stealing stuff from other projects like rebased patchset
<jenneron[m]> it depends on whether we have anyone willing to work it, it might be binarycraft,, but definitely not me until I have a device
<binarycraft[m]> <jenneron[m]> "it depends on whether we have..." <- I caught COVID recently, until I recovered from it, I will
<jenneron[m]> get well
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron[m]: Thanks
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<bonfire_> jenneron[m]: would it help if a mt8183 device was mailed to you?
<jenneron[m]> I'm going to receive one soon
<jenneron[m]> bonfire_: do you have 2 of them?
<bonfire_> no, but I could get one for you maybe
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<hexdump0815> bonfire_: as long as its not kappa i would say go for it - it might be good if jenneron[m] has different mt8183 devices around to test things - a kappa will find already its way to jenneron[m] hopefully soon :)
<jenneron[m]> hexdump0815: bonfire_ tbh i would prefer to send one to the developer of graphical installer
<jenneron[m]> and i would prefer to have more problematic device like krane than fully working like kappa
<jenneron[m]> (krane has some issues with screen rotation)
<jenneron[m]> (i mean to send one to the developer of graphical installer instead me having 2 of them)
<bonfire_> jenneron[m]: yah krane is what I imagining
<jenneron[m]> hexdump0815: what do you think about it?
<jenneron[m]> they even deliver to Ukraine, that's either something new or mistake
<bonfire_> yah I selected that to test. maybe it fails if you actually try
<jenneron[m]> i can receive things through my relatives in Poland, also there are second hand ones locally
<bonfire_> that sounds more certain
<bonfire_> I think there is some Amazon feature called "wishlist" where someone lists items they want others to buy for them
<bonfire_> could retain more privacy in that case!
<bonfire_> soo many cyrillic character O_o
<jenneron[m]> ukrainian alphabet is cyrillic
<bonfire_> yah hehe
<bonfire_> just making joke that I don't now how to read cyrillic, sadly
<jenneron[m]> yeah that's why i said use translator
<bonfire_> ah missed that at end of line
<bonfire_> so OLX is like a eBay kinda thing but with nicer design?
<jenneron[m]> lol, kind of
<jenneron[m]> and it's local one here
<jenneron[m]> there is also Poland one at least
<bonfire_> cool