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<julian[m]12> I also hope I'm in the correct room
<z3ntu> julian: looks like it sets the hw block to limit the charging current to 1.8A, not sure what the default is though
<z3ntu> Also interesting that the property isn't documented in the devicetree bindings
<julian[m]12> <z3ntu "julian: looks like it sets the h"> This is in `qcom_smbb.c`
<z3ntu> I don't think the driver sets it to min. If you look at `smbb_charger_attr_parse` then if it gets the property from dt, then it sets it and then reads it. If it doesn't have the property in dt it just reads the value and saves it. `min` and `max` are just for sanity checking and not sending invalid values to the hw block as far as I can tell
<julian[m]12> I am trying to understand. What do you mean by "reads it"? Reads it from where?
<julian[m]12> Oh wait, this is indeed not `.max`.
<z3ntu> That's 1.5A which sounds reasonable
<julian[m]12> With non-low battery it sets it to `100000` though if I remember correctly
<z3ntu> The driver reads the value from the hardware
<z3ntu> Possible that the bootloader already sets some bits based on some condition
<julian[m]12> <z3ntu "That's 1.5A which sounds reasona"> yes and in that case it is indeed charging. The problem is that this happens only when the battery is completely empty
<julian[m]12> <z3ntu "The driver reads the value from "> ah ok, thanks
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