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<steev> sboyd: i'm testing out your component patches (is there a v2 that i didn't notice?) - and i get a weird runtime pm error - [ 4.233751] Enabling runtime PM for inactive device (ae00000.mdss) with active children - dmesg output is
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<bamse> konradybcio: got someone interested in could you please help me by clarifying the authorship and signed-off-by situation on that series?
<bamse> konradybcio: i know we have the smmu issue still...but this is a nice stack of goodies, i would like to land it
<konradybcio> I'll try
<konradybcio> But that will cost you a review on tone :p
<bamse> deal!
<bamse> :)
<alexeymin> oh I'll be happy to see 630/660 stuff, I still have my device laying with uart wires soldered..
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<konradybcio> ready for review.. with so much code, I can't promise it's 100% perfect and I'm fine with merging some at a time (where it makes sense)
<bamse> konradybcio: iirc i was ready to merge the whole thing, but couldn't figure out who actually wrote which patch and what the s-o-b should really be
<konradybcio> do doublecheck, but I think this run has all the -by's in place
<bamse> konradybcio: thanks for the patches, i'll look through them and if nothing else i'll merge as much as possible of it
<konradybcio> and if a @gmail of mine slipped somewhere, it's not a big deal for me
<konradybcio> speaking of big dt changes
<konradybcio> i hope I can rebase and re-do my 8974 changes..
<konradybcio> * day
<alexeymin> oh no
<konradybcio> also, bamse, do you have any cool tools to translate socname-bus.dtsi into tons of DEFINE_QNODE?
<konradybcio> so far I've been doing this by hand but linaro seems to have contributed a few drivers
<bamse> konradybcio: i believe djakov has such tool...
<konradybcio> djakov would it be possible to share it, if that's the case?