I'll summarize it either way because I don't we wandered every possible avenue yet that isn't "let me send a patch series with 10-bpc support"
Fekz115: first up you're right that the constants for 10-bpc are available in the kernel; they're not only used by Qcom hardware (it's all shared!)
We were trying to first resolve some topology-related issues on his hardware before diving into this issue. We also found that the DSC stream is still 8 bits per pixel, so the total data sent to the panel should be the same. Adrian found a hint about using an 8-bpc mode in his firmware, but didn't find a panel command to change his panel to this. I don't think that might be necessary as the bits_per_component parameter is encoded in the DSI
DSC Picture Parameter Set, which your panel driver should send to the panel.
If it does send that PPS, you might try just setting bpc to 8 and hope that it might just work (or at the very least show colorful corruption, indicating parts are turned on and working at least)
Adrian: did you also try setting bpc to 8 after applying the 1:1:1 topology commit?
Marijn[m]: I am using bpc=8 with 1:1:1 topology
Otherwise it would error due to your patch that was sent here earlier
Sorry guys, didn't want to annoy you
Adrian: we might try removing all the safeguards and set 10, but I'm sure some code will have to be updated. Likewise, I think the 10-bit DSI format should be added?
It's been a while since I last looked into this, since Sony only provides fake 8-bit panels with FRC
Marijn[m]: I will try removing that forced error and see what 1:1:1 topology with bpc=10 results in. Currently I don't even see jank so I'm not even sure if my configuration is otherwise correct :/
I had hoped you'd at least see corruption on the screen. Are the errors in dmesg exclusively timeouts, or also a few -22s?
I don't see any panel errors until I write a value to that backlight node or until ~5 minutes after boot when the panel seems to think it wants to turn off
Last time you were seeing 30fps, so the tear command is definitely not working or the panel is not responding (30 fps is what MDP generates)
But the panel is also not rejecting initial setup commands, only the poweroff or poking at brightness
What I've done sometimes is send a brightness command directly before or after power_on() and that worked
wouldn't that just force it to error early?
<Adrian[m]> "I will try removing that..." <- 1:1:1 with bpc=10 seems to be the same as bpc=8. modtest still reports 30Hz
<Adrian[m]> "wouldn't that just force it to..." <- The other dsi commands are sent correctly, or so it seems
So it might be that the panel stops responding after some time/command?
<Adrian[m]> "1:1:1 with bpc=10 seems to be..." <- 30hz comes from sync_cfg_height, if we disable that we'll see the real (lack of) panel vblanls
* In reply to @gelbpunkt:matrix.org
1:1:1 with bpc=10 seems to be the same as bpc=8. modetest still reports 30Hz
30hz comes from sync_cfg_height, if we disable that we'll see the real (lack of) panel vblanks