ChanServ changed the topic of #linux-msm to:
<DavidHeidelberg> aka_[m]: having proper lm3533 driver would be nice (at least for apq8064)
<bamse> looks like i was pretty close to getting that merged...
<DavidHeidelberg> bamse: wow
<DavidHeidelberg> I think I spent a bit time explaining someon in Matrix apq8064 room how to rewrite the driver to support DT.....
<DavidHeidelberg> but in the end I ended up thinking maybe whole non-DT driver could be dropped
<bamse> iirc i had problems getting my rewritten charger driver to work reliably, so the device ended up in the drawer...
<bamse> DavidHeidelberg: i'd be happy to see someone try to revive that series...although i have no idea if anything has happend to lm3533 drivers in the last 7 years ;)
<bamse> DavidHeidelberg: if not, then i think you're right...that they should just be dropped
<DavidHeidelberg> bamse: checked git log, only cosmetic changes as fallout of refactoring subsystems
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<bamse> go for it!
<DavidHeidelberg> bamse: I'm traveling and looking for a job now, so I think this patchset will have to wait a bit, but I'll try to get back to it :)
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<aka_[m]> konradybcio: is A610 still n semi broken state?
<aka_[m]> pmos edge is so choppy
<aka_[m]> Firefox ESR doesn't even launch
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<aka_[m]> elder: Hi, i have question where is smem-id for IPA data stored?
<aka_[m]> ok now on BW
<aka_[m]> atoll.dts have 5 states
<aka_[m]> does it not use any more than svs2?
<aka_[m]> now onto clocks....
<aka_[m]> konradybcio: no need to nitpick on this series, it was said it ain't the way we want it
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<elder> The smem_id is stored in configuration data for the version of IPA in use. For Rennell, for example, it's found in "drivers/net/ipa/data/ipa_data-v4.2.c". It seems to always be 497, but technically it could change.
<elder> aka_[m] I lost my internet connection. Hopefully this isn't a repeat.
<konradybcio> aka_: sorry I rarely have access to the tab nowadays
<konradybcio> also aka_ these nitpicks were not blockers by any means.. just nice improvements if you were going to send a v(n+1)