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<libv> wait and see
<libv> seems good
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<freemangordon> MoeIcenowy: mripard: bbf9a127abca4aac5cc75f882bc7efcc398e86ae is the first bad commit
<freemangordon> after that mplayer/mpv/aplay/... just hang when trying to play any audio
<freemangordon> actually mplayer spits "Audio device got stuck!"
<anarsoul|2> does it work if you specify number of channels explicitly?
<freemangordon> where to do that? sorry for the maybe stupid questions but alsa is not something I am very good in
<freemangordon> in DT?
<anarsoul|2> freemangordon: e.g. aplay -c 2
<freemangordon> lemme try
<freemangordon> ugh, either I did something wrong or bisect lied to me
<freemangordon> lemme replay the bisect
<freemangordon> anarsoul|2: does not help
<anarsoul|2> freemangordon: try reverting the patch? However I doubt that it causes the issue
<freemangordon> and passing -v to aplay still says "channels 1", despite -c 2
<freemangordon> bisected
<anarsoul|2> oh
<freemangordon> anarsoul|2: also, dma interrupt count stays zero
<freemangordon> in /proc/interrupts that is
<anarsoul|2> try reverting the patch?
<freemangordon> ok, but how will this be different from bisect?
<anarsoul|2> the patch looks really harmless
<anarsoul|2> btw, what board is it?
<freemangordon> a33, some chinese one
<freemangordon> q8_hd
<freemangordon> or somesich
<freemangordon> *somesuch
<freemangordon> maybe dma config is miscalculated for anything but 2 channels
<anarsoul|2> it works fine on A64 where it uses sun4i-i2s in couple with built-in analog codec
<anarsoul|2> so I doubt that
<freemangordon> yep, with bbf9a127abca4aac5cc75f882bc7efcc398e86ae reverted mplayer does not spit error messages and I see dma interrupt counts increasing
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<freemangordon> anarsoul|2: seems sun4i_i2s_get_bclk_div fails to find divider for 1 channel 48000 Hz
<anarsoul|2> fix it? :)
<freemangordon> need some more data :)
<freemangordon> why it fails, for example ;)
<freemangordon> I wonder why I don;t see the error message
<freemangordon> there should be "Unsupported BCLK divider:" message, but I don;t see it
<freemangordon> no, it is not that
<freemangordon> anarsoul|2: is ther any public datasheet of the soc?
<anarsoul|2> try looking at
<freemangordon> can't find anything useful there
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<freemangordon> thanks
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