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<freemangordon> does upstream kernel boot on Q8H_HD (this is A33) ?
<freemangordon> I tried 5.18.19 with sunxi_defconfig, no dice, do I miss something?
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<swiftgeek> freemangordon: try 5.15.x lts
<freemangordon> ok, thanks
<swiftgeek> freemangordon: where is the rootfs? (sd/usb)?
<freemangordon> created by imagebuilder
<freemangordon> this is leste
<freemangordon> I was able to boot with some archive 4.11 I dug on my PC
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<swiftgeek> but on what kind of device you have rootfs?
<swiftgeek> from a33 perspective
<freemangordon> not device specific I would say
<freemangordon> but the problem is not userland
<swiftgeek> just say whether it's sd usb mass storage or what
<freemangordon> no, it is uSD, the tablet has uSD slot
<freemangordon> so uboot->kernel
<freemangordon> uboot runs fine, starts kernel and thats it
<swiftgeek> that configuration should have the least issues then
<freemangordon> mhm, as I said, I am booting with 4.11 (or was it 4.9)
<freemangordon> but cannot with 5.18.y
<freemangordon> ok, will try 5.15
<freemangordon> swiftgeek: thanks! that boots, I will have to add panel compatible to dts to get something on the screen, but I have kernel boot log in /var/log :)
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<libv> freemangordon: can you document your findings on the the device page for the relevant device?
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