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<MoeIcenowy> gamiee: juri_: H3 has an alternateive position for JTAG
<MoeIcenowy> which, I think, is the default
<MoeIcenowy> I remember having it on a Banana Pi M2 Zero
<MoeIcenowy> well btw I remember I used JTAG for the initial bringing up of F1C100s U-Boot
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<juri_> I'm looking at doing some heavy modification of the process layer of the kernel. so, i'm basically wanting to use it to disect systems where i have broken the kernel, and processes, and everything has halted.
<juri_> i'm going to need to introspect kernel datastructures, and process space.
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<DarkNeutrino> apritzel: heya. Any idea when the mfd and regs part of 313a will be merged ? Docs are in -next already. Rest i dont see.
<apritzel> DarkNeutrino: no idea, that's up to the maintainers, we will know in a week (-rc1), the latest
<apritzel> DarkNeutrino: but there seems to be some mishap anyway, so not sure the patches will actually make it
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