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<juri_> I'm looking to do some kernel-side work, and want to have functional jtag while i do it. it looks like on the H2+, PA0-3 are jtag, when set to function 3...
<juri_> pardon the newbie here, but does that sound sane, has anyone jtag'd an allwinner chip, and would i have to adjust the dtb for this?
<gamiee> juri_: I remember MoeIcenowy got JTAG working on V3s or H3, don't remember.
<gamiee> Most of times, default JTAG is on SD card pins.
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<DarkNeutrino> apritzel: any idea when the rest of the axp313a things will get in ? I only see 1 patch merged regarding the documentation of the compatible. But thats it
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<juri_> MoeIcenowy: when you can spare a few minutes.. i'd like some pointers. :)
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<libv> juri_: what would you really need jtag for?
<libv> i only need jtag when i deal with really broken customers still stuck in the old school embedded world
<libv> at one customer, someone waited looked at then one of the earliest omap5 boards, spent a day phoning around to get the right cable, and then did nothing until the cable arrived
<libv> i cannot remember that he did anything after that either, we just did the basics to the sd card, got uart out, and that was all we needed
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<apritzel> juri_: what do you hope to gain by using JTAG? For kernel driver development clearly printk and tracing are far easier to use and more insightful
<libv> one customer on imx6 had its own "in-house" bootloader, a project hoarded by one guy, and the rest of the team thought what he did was "valuable knowledge and IP", and the bulk of what it did was replaying jtag dumped register tables
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