cool i seem to have the lucky variants (is there a better way to check?)
dmesg | grep probe succeeded
but you will get the same result
ah ok
my issue this only works on android
and not works in twrp
twrp is not initializing the camera stack
so ik now 1 of my land is lucky and the other at least half lucky
<barni2000[m]> "twrp is not initializing the..." <- latest twrp with downstream kernel...?
I removed camera driver from the kernel that the latest twrp use
i had same issue with other msm8953
* latest twrp with downstream kernel...?
I removed camera driver from the downstream kernel that the latest twrp use
but i can try downgrade to check
barni2000Can you enable CONFIG_SMB1360 as builtin module in next release please? PMOS USB net gadget doesn't work on my agassi (probably bcoz of roleswitch)
it seems it should set sooner you can send an MR