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<M0xCAFEBABE[m]> <mk[m]> "I don't know what you mean by..." <- ooh yeah great, the msm-id exactly corresponds to msm8920
<barni2000[m]> <mk[m]> "I don't know what you mean by..." <- get it from `adb pull /sys/firmware/fdt`
<barni2000[m]> i doubt msm8937 will reach 6.15, maybe 6.16
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<barni2000[m]> i wonder why cci1 is not working on msm8937 what is the differences between mms8917 and msm8937 i would not find any yet
NekoCWD[m] has joined #msm8937-mainline
<NekoCWD[m]> Don't prada use cci1 for front cam? I've setted camss compatible to 8917 and it worked for me
<barni2000[m]> idk, land uses cci0
<NekoCWD[m]> I will can rebase my changes and test on prada tomorrow. Will wire result here
<barni2000[m]> cci-master is 0 everywhere
<barni2000[m]> i have not checked prada yet
<barni2000[m]> but i cannot scan on cci1 only on cci0
<NekoCWD[m]> Yep, it's cci1
<barni2000[m]> does i2cdetect works on it or you have got messages in dmesg
<NekoCWD[m]> iirc it worked
<barni2000[m]> maybe it is not working land because land does not uses cci1
<barni2000[m]> s/uses cci1/usecci1/
<barni2000[m]> s/uses/use/
<NekoCWD[m]> Will test on prada tomorrow
fx8320e[m] has joined #msm8937-mainline
<fx8320e[m]> hello everyone, I came here from mi msm8937 discussion from telegram, I've recently flashed pmos with different de's and can't pass login screen, the system itself works until I press the power button and then display goes black and the only thing I can hear is beep when you press the volume buttons. I guess my touch and screen panels are somehow incompatible, so is there a way to identify these panels?
<fx8320e[m]> my device is redmi 5a btw, forgot to mention
<barni2000[m]> which display? my both riva is working but 1 of them cannot suspend and wake up the display
<fx8320e[m]> "cannot suspend and wake up the display" this is exactly what's happening, but also the touchscreen seems like not working at all
<fx8320e[m]> and another question, can you reboot from pc using usb?
<barni2000[m]> ili9881c_ebbgDJN?
<barni2000[m]> fx8320e[m]: yes, sometimes systemd is a sh*** and blocking the reboot
<barni2000[m]> check which display do you have, you can check with lsmod | grep panel
<barni2000[m]> i have a workaround for the display but not a proper fix and it can cause issue on other devices
<fx8320e[m]> how do I interact with phone from pc?
<barni2000[m]> ssh
<fx8320e[m]> but to use ssh I have to connect to the same wifi
<barni2000[m]> `ssh <your user>@`
<barni2000[m]> no it works with usb cable
<barni2000[m]> * no, it
<fx8320e[m]> panel_xiaomi_riva_ili9881c_ebbgdjn 12288 0
<fx8320e[m]> this is the output of lsmod
<barni2000[m]> same display what i have so it will not wake up unfortunately, dsi should be fixed for it
<fx8320e[m]> any guess for touchscreen? is it supposed to not work?
<barni2000[m]> other display variants are working fine
<barni2000[m]> fx8320e[m]: ig you should build lk2nd from sources
<NekoCWD[m]> What's issue with dsi?
<barni2000[m]> there is commit what fixes the main issue but some cases it is not working fine
<fx8320e[m]> barni2000[m]: this lk2nd?
<barni2000[m]> yes
<barni2000[m]> i have added touchscreen selection for lk2nd
<barni2000[m]> s/touchscreen/touch/
<barni2000[m]> if I increase this `pm_runtime_set_autosuspend_delay(&msm_host->pdev->dev, 200);` riva display can wake up
<fx8320e[m]> barni2000[m]: lk2nd-msmXXXX which number I put here, 8917 or 8937?
<barni2000[m]> 8952
<barni2000[m]> barni2000[m]: if i revert this we should live with hacks and other issues
<barni2000[m]> fx8320e[m]: if you got `-6` after you have updated lk2nd then you have goodix touch instead of edt
<fx8320e[m]> oh cool, my touchscreen now works!
<fx8320e[m]> barni2000[m]: where am I supposed to get this -6 ?
<barni2000[m]> lk2nd package will be updated after a new lk2nd release
<barni2000[m]> fx8320e[m]: your touch is working
<fx8320e[m]> but the navigation touch buttons seems like still not working
<fx8320e[m]> is there a back gesture in phosh?
<barni2000[m]> navigtion is not supported
<barni2000[m]> s/navigtion/navigation/
<barni2000[m]> but if you check evtest you wiil see it is reporting the postion for them but they are not binded
<barni2000[m]> edt touches have special coordinates for nav buttons but there is no userspace app for support it
<fx8320e[m]> and the multitouch also does not work? I cannot zoom in firefox with 2 fingers
<barni2000[m]> ig it is not enabled in ff
<barni2000[m]> let me check with evtest
<barni2000[m]> it is working
<fx8320e[m]> <barni2000[m]> ""; <- what did you said I have to change to proper display sleep functionality? the whole kernel needs to be recomplied?
<barni2000[m]> idk what is the proper fix, if i know that i would already fixed it
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