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<barni2000[m]> ov13855 is used in riva, 13853 in prada
<barni2000[m]> maybe they are ccs compatible #define OV13858_REG_CHIP_ID0x300a
<barni2000[m]> 12a10 was not so i doubt
<barni2000[m]> fg has serious issues
<M0xCAFEBABE[m]> barni2000[m]: on prada? yea, it's the case on downstream too, i'm guessing the stock kernel has some sort of magic that's needed for it to work properly
<M0xCAFEBABE[m]> * on downstream 3.18~4.19 too, i'm
<M0xCAFEBABE[m]> * on downstream OSS 3.18~4.19 too, i'm
<barni2000[m]> thats why it show 17% and after quickly 2% and after 1 minutes charging 64%
<barni2000[m]> every reboot is different
<M0xCAFEBABE[m]> was the same on downstream OSS kernels too
<M0xCAFEBABE[m]> that unfortunate device has neither kernel source nor schematics
<barni2000[m]> M0xCAFEBABE[m]: serious GPL violation
<barni2000[m]> finally
<barni2000[m]> i have added standyby gpio for s5k2xx
<barni2000[m]> both camera is working now on land
<barni2000[m]> ig same should be added for ov5670 because it seems both sensor should not be up together
<barni2000[m]> <barni2000[m]> "both camera is working now on..." <- both of my land is lucky 😎
<M0xCAFEBABE[m]> <barni2000[m]> "```..." <- and... both of your prada are unlucky?
<barni2000[m]> Half unlucky
<barni2000[m]> I have not tried standby gpio yet on them
<barni2000[m]> i have replaced reset gpio with standby and now it is working, maybe it was just switched downstream
<barni2000[m]> i have updated camss branch with land cameras if any of you want to test it