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<barni2000[m]> now montana have working rear camera s5k3p3 (i have added sequences for s5k2xx) i will not upload it but i am interested in dw9767 maybe 9768 is the closest driver
<barni2000[m]> and i am thinking to finalize prada cam stuff and make a next release finally
<Sam[m]> barni2000: I just randomly noticed that your authorship in lk2nd has a typo:
<Sam[m]> > commit 4656b31e64b193362aae321d18b446d0e81c4a06
<Sam[m]> > Author: Barnabás Czémán <>
<barni2000[m]> i will check ty
<barni2000[m]> ig i cannot fix the commits because they needed to be force pushed
<Sam[m]> You can "fix" the old ones with a .mailmap
<barni2000[m]> i don't find this commit hash
<barni2000[m]> i will leave as it is
<barni2000[m]> next commit will be fine
<barni2000[m]> s/commit/commits/
<barni2000[m]> a3xx is getting worse :(
czapnaper[m] has joined #msm8937-mainline
<czapnaper[m]> barni2000 hi, may be worth increasing CONFIG_CMA_SIZE_MBYTES ?
<barni2000[m]> why? snapshots, kamoso and qcam is working
<czapnaper[m]> When I tested the cameras earlier, I was guided by the information from the wiki, it works with 16 on land
<barni2000[m]> snapshots works on land
<barni2000[m]> kamoso also
<barni2000[m]> UDMABUF is enabled for libcamera
<barni2000[m]> i am not against setting the CMA_SIZE i have just wanted to understand what is not working with the current configuration