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fish4terrisa[m] has joined #msm8937-mainline
<fish4terrisa[m]> I have a kinda werid question:
<fish4terrisa[m]> There's two drivers for the adreno gpu on qcom chips, one is the module "msm", which is in mainline kernel and is usually used when using linux;the other is the module called "msm_drm", which is the proprietary one and only used in Android linux kernel. My point is that is it possible to also use libdrm and freedreno with msm_drm? And if not, will x11 modesetting or other kind of things that talk with DRM work with
<fish4terrisa[m]> it?("msm_drm" will also create /dev/dri/card0 and /dev/dri/renderD128 so it seems like a normal gpu driver for me, but kmscube and other stuffs never works and the screen never show anything)
<barni2000[m]> i am waiting for cameras
<barni2000[m]> <fish4terrisa[m]> "I have a kinda werid question:..." <- msm_drm is not mesa side?
jojo_autoboy[m] has joined #msm8937-mainline
<jojo_autoboy[m]> <fish4terrisa[m]> "I have a kinda werid question:..." <- not sure if the 8937 even uses drm on android but yeah libdrm can use it
<jojo_autoboy[m]> using it with freedreno is a different story though
<jojo_autoboy[m]> it's basically used as a framebuffer, you need kgsl for actual graphic acceleration from what i can tell
<jojo_autoboy[m]> this is on downstream though
<jojo_autoboy[m]> but yeah it does work as a semi normal kms device