ChanServ changed the topic of #msm8937-mainline to: Boot Linux on your MSM8917/37/40 and QM215 mobile! | GitHub: | Logs: | Bridged to on Matrix
<barni2000[m]> hacker420: Danct12 please remove and ban
francis[m] has left #msm8937-mainline [Kicked by : spam]
<barni2000[m]> ty
<barni2000[m]> is this still visible on irc archive?
<Danct12[m]> yes
<barni2000[m]> :(
<Danct12[m]> but it's not gonna be that bothering
<Danct12[m]> it'll just show a line and say "view full message" on matrix
<mk[m]> Currnet working on the Moto E5 Play (james). lk2nd recognizes the device but I need help with setting up the device tree and compiling it into the kernel
<mk[m]> I cloned the msm89x7 linux repository and made a simple device tree to try and boot to any screen but it doesn't seem to work
<mk[m]> s/Currnet/Currently/
ValPackett[m] has joined #msm8937-mainline
<ValPackett[m]> mkat least on nora, i couldn't get simplefb to work, but i went straight to proper display panel support
<ValPackett[m]> do this but with your downstream dtb and that thing will generate drivers for you
<mk[m]> I'll look into it
<barni2000[m]> lk2nd is logging out the correct fb address
<barni2000[m]> other important stuff for simple fb to work is CONFIG_DRM_SIMPLEDRM=y
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